Why does Exalate 5.6.0 not display sync rules when operated behind a firewall?

Originally asked by Johannes Hamfler on 26 September 2023 (original question)

Sync rules are not diesplayed and stay in “Loading…”:

Our Firewall blocks connections to the outside and I noticed that 5.6.0 has introduced some sort of WebIDE which wants to be loaded from external but cannot: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/monaco-editor@0.36.1/min/vs/loader.js
See this:

Can you implement a switch or something similar that allows the use of the old editor oder include the needed files in your release so that no internet connection is needed?

Yours sincerely

Answer by Saskia on 27 September 2023

Hi Johannes Hamfler

We have some important news regarding the issue you are encountering.

To address this, we suggest rolling back your Exalate version to 5.5.6 which should temporarily fix this. Our engineering team will investigate and fix the problem at its core.

Rest assured, we’ll create a support ticket to manage the rollback seamlessly and keep you up to date with the status of the reproduction.

Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any questions or additional information about the issue, please reach out to us. We’re here to help.

Best regards,

Saskia Banegas

Answer by Johannes Hamfler on 06 October 2023

The rollback worked seamlessly. Thank you for helping me out.

Answer by Saskia on 27 September 2023

Hi Johannes Hamfler

Can you please make an account in our support portal to add you as a reporter for the ticket?

Exalate Support Portal

Thank you in advance

Saskia Banegas