Synchronize Epics from Jira to ServiceNow

Originally asked by Jose Lobo on 09 November 2020 (original question)

I would like to synchronize Epics from Jira to ServiceNow and the stories under these epics should have a link to the corresponding Epic

Answer by André Leroy-Beaulieu Castro on 10 November 2020


Thanks for raising this question. In this case, the first thing you will need to do is actually synchronize the epics themselves. To do this, the Jira side only needs to be sending the issueType like so:

Jira Outgoing:

replica.issueType = issue.issueType

Now in ServiceNow you can add a block of code that only applies when the received issue type is an Epic:

SNOW Incoming:

if (entityType == "epic") {
	epic.correlation_id = replica.key
	epic.short_description = replica.summary
	epic.description = replica.description
	epic.comments += replica.addedComments

This first part makes sure Epics are synchronized from Jira to SNOW.

For the second part we would like Jira Stories under the original Epic to be synced to ServiceNow under the corresponding Epic as well.

Jira Outgoing Sync:

//This will send the Epic information like "Epic link"

ServiceNow Incoming:

if(replica.customKeys."Epic Link" != null){
    def localEpic = syncHelper.getLocalIssueKeyFromRemoteId(replica.customKeys."Epic Link"?.id)
        story.epic =

This last part finds a local epic in ServiceNow based on the Epic Link of the story sent from Jira and assigns that epic to the corresponding ServiceNow story :smile:



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