It’s not updating because the date time field does not recognize the format that’s been sent over (1.683504E12).
To do this you need to apply a few changes in your script.
If you want to sync the “Start date” field you can use the Timestamp method.
The “Start date” is indeed a custom field in Jira Cloud, but you can access it in Exalate by doing:
Outgoing Sync
replica."Start date" = issue."Start date"
If you use this format you don’t need to use the “**.**value” later on.
Now in the Incoming script you need 2 things
Date date = new Date(long date)
new Timestamp(long time), note that you’ll need to import “java.sql.Timestamp”.
Incoming Sync
import java.sql.Timestamp
Date date = new Date((long)replica."Start date")
issue."Start date" = new Timestamp(date.time)
From the Start date custom field you’ll get a double in unixtime (replica.“Start date” = 1.683504E12) or (replica.“Start date” = 168350400000).
This format needs to be converted, to do this use the Date object. The Date object expects a long, so we cast this by putting (long) before our variable.
We use Timestamp to convert it to a date time object in Jira.
With the imported “java.sql.Timestamp” library you can call a new timestamp by new Timestamp(long date).
Set the issue “Start date” = new Timestamp(date.time).
Now you should see your Start date in your issues.