November 4, 2024, 6:35am
Originally asked by Henry on 24 February 2020 (original question)
My requirement is quite simple, I want to sync the children when their parent is updated to status “B”, even if the children themselves aren’t updated to status “B”.
I need this because when my boss moves a parent ticket on his board, he wants to see it synced to another board, and he also wants to see its children tickets along with it.
November 4, 2024, 6:35am
Answer by André Leroy-Beaulieu Castro on 24 February 2020
Hi Henry,
We actually have a very convenient way of doing what you’re looking for in Jira Cloud, you can add the following to your Outgoing sync:
def subTaskKey = new com.exalate.basic.domain.BasicIssueKey(it.id, it.key)
so if the parent is synced, it will look for it’s sub-tasks and sync them as well
Best regards,
[Failed to download attachment: attachment_11338214_smile.png. Error: 401 Client Error: for url: https://support.idalko.com/images/icons/emoticons/smile.png ]
Henry commented on 06 March 2020
Hi André,
Will this trigger the connected ones?
Parent ticket P has one child C1
update P, trigger the code above, sync C1 to destination board, named “C1-sync-first”
Add new child C2 to P
update P, trigger the code above, sync C2 to destination board, named “C2-sync”
Will C1 be sync again to the destination board, named “C1-sync-again”?
If so, what does “C1-sync-first” connect to?