We currently use Exalate cloud between our instances, and I have a few questions for you that I am hoping you can please help with.
Is there a way to migrate JSD timestamps so the SLAs are the same in the data across instances? Also is there a way to migrate Insight data between instances?
Thank you so much, and have a great rest of your day.Source: Jira Cloud(old community)
Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 25 August 2020
Evan Golden
Thanks for raising the question here, much appreciated.
Regarding the SLA timestamps - we have been looking into it, but didn’t find a good API.
What some customers did was to rely on the near-real-time sync to track SLA compliance for new issues - saying that it would be good enough.
Regarding insight - we are preparing a blog on using the insight provided apis to synchronize insight objects, but this is Jira Server itself.
You are mentioning ‘Migration’. Are you looking to switch from one cloud server to the next?
Evan Golden commented on 25 August 2020
Probably poor use of the word migration. I meant sync data between instances. So will Insight Cloud be available in the near-term as well?