Apologies for delay in replying to this thread.
Please find below the outgoing ADO and incoming Jira scripts as requested:
ADO Outgoing
replica.key = workItem.key
replica.assignee = workItem.assignee
//replica.summary = workItem.summary
//replica.description = nodeHelper.stripHtml(workItem.description)
replica.description = workItem.description
replica.type = workItem.type
replica.status = workItem.status
//replica.labels = workItem.labels
replica.labels = workItem.labels.collect { it.label = it.label.trim().replace(" ", “_”); it }
replica.priority = workItem.priority
//replica.comments = nodeHelper.stripHtmlFromComments(workItem.comments)
replica.comments = workItem.comments
replica.attachments = workItem.attachments
replica.project = workItem.project
//replica.areaPath = workItem.areaPath
//replica.iterationPath = workItem.iterationPath
replica.customFields.CustomerName = workItem.customFields.“Customer Name”
Custom Fields (CF)
How to send any field value from the source side to the destination side.
1/ Add the value to the replica object. Use the Field Name from the field or the API name:
How to Sync Work Item Fields Obtained through a REST API Call in Azure DevOps | Exalate Documentation
2/ Uncomment this next statement out and change accordingly:
replica.customFields.“CF Name” = issue.customFields.“CF Name”
// Exalate API Reference Documentation: Exalate API Reference Documentation
Jira Incoming
if (firstSync) {
issue.projectKey = “XXXX”
// Set the same issue type as the source issue. If not found, set a default.
issue.typeName = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.type?.name, issue.projectKey)?.name ?: “XXXX”
//issue.summary = replica.summary
//issue.description = replica.description
//issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica)
issue.attachments = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica)
//issue.labels = replica.labels
issue.labels = replica.labels.collect { it.label = it.label.replace(" ", “_”); it }
issue.description = nodeHelper.toMarkDownFromHtml(replica.description)
issue.comments = nodeHelper.toMarkDownComments(commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica))
if(replica.assignee != null){
def assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.assignee?.email)
if(nodeHelper.isUserAssignable(issue.projectKey, assignee)){
issue.assignee = assignee
} else {
issue.assignee = null // Leave unassigned if not assignable
if (replica.status?.name == “Done” || replica.status?.name == “Rejected”){
String Detections_Status = “XXXX”
issue.comments = commentHelper.addComment(issue.comments) { comment →
comment.body = Detections_Status
comment.internal = true
issue.status = “To Do”
issue.assignee = null
Custom Fields (CF)
To add incoming values to a Jira custom field, follow these steps:
1/ Find the Display Name of the CF. Note: If you have multiple custom fields with the same name,
then you can sync it using the custom field ID instead of its name. Know more about the steps here:
How To Sync Basic to Advanced Custom Fields in Jira -
2/ Check how the value is coming over from the source side, by checking the “Entity Sync Status”
of an issue in sync and then selecting the “Show Remote Replica”.
3/ Add it all together like this:
issue.customFields.“CF Name”.value = replica.customFields.“CF Name”.value
Status Synchronization
For Status sync, we map the source status, to the destination status with a hash map.
The syntax is as follows:
def statusMap = [
“remote status name”: “local status name”
Go to Entity Sync Status, put in the entity key, and it will show you where to find the remote replica
by clicking on Show remote replica.
def statusMap = [
“New” : “Open",
"Done” : ”Resolved”
def remoteStatusName = replica.status.name
issue.setStatus(statusMap[remoteStatusName] ?: remoteStatusName)
User Synchronization (Assignee/Reporter)
Set a Reporter/Assignee from the source side. If the user can’t be found, set a default user.
You can also use this approach for custom fields of the type User
def defaultUser = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(“default@exalate.com”)
issue.reporter = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.reporter?.email) ?: defaultUser
issue.assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.assignee?.email) ?: defaultUser
Comment Synchronization
Impersonate comments with the original author. The sync will work if the user already exists
in the local instance.
Note: Don’t forget to remove the original comments sync line if you are using this approach.
issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica) {
it.executor = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(it.author?.email)
// Exalate API Reference Documentation: Exalate API Reference Documentation