We have a SNOW ___ integration in place. We have noticed that if some quick updates are made on SNOW, Exalate only picks up the latest change. We understand that this is to do with the polling interval, but we need a robust solution for this i.e. Exalate should not miss any updates.
Indeed the issue is with the updates being made within successive polls. If you make 2 changes to a field within a 60sec interval, it would mean that Exalate would pick the latest value and “miss” the interim change. In order to address this, you can reduce the polling interval to any desired value. I would suggest starting with 10secs, and then adjusting it accordingly. This could be done via opening a support ticket, providing your node information and the desired setting. The cloud team will then be able to adjust this on the back end, but this would require a restart of the node in question.
Please let me know if you need anything else here.