Originally asked by Ezadin Mahmoud on 24 January 2022 (original question)
Hello Community,
The creation of a ticket in project1 on Instance A( Jira Server v8.14.1 Exalate version 5.2.2-m19-j8) leads to the creation of a ticket in project2 via Exalate on Instance B( Jira Server v8.13.6 Exalate version 5.2.2-m19-j8).
The changes on instance A are synchronized with instance B.
Depending on these changes, the value of a custom field CF in Project2 on B is automatically changed via a scriptrunner listener.
The new value of CF (and any other changes made via the scriptrunner listener) are not automatically synchronized with Project1 on A unless we manually make additional changes to Project2 on B.
How can we have the new value of CF automatically sync directly through Exalate without requiring manual changes?
How can we trigger an Exalate when a value of CF changed via the scriptrunner listener?
Best regards
Harold Oconitrillo commented on 24 January 2022
Hi Ezadin,
It is possible to set up a trigger with a specific value. Also, you may set up a pos-function if the trigger does not work.
Kind regards,
Harold Cruz
Ezadin Mahmoud commented on 25 January 2022
Hello Harald,
post-function is not possible/desired. There is no transition to be executed here.
The trigger does not work because it is not possible to check the value change in the customer fields.
as said, changes made by scriptrunner do not cause synchronization, while manual changes can synchronize.
Best regards
Harold Oconitrillo commented on 26 January 2022
Hello Ezadin,
It looks like for some reason the scriptrunner is not sending the events, therefore please send us a video or screenshot of what you are doing in the scriptrunner and based on that we can better understand if the issue is with the scriptrunner or an issue related to Jira synchronization events that does not allow Exalate to pick those changes.
Kind regards,
Harold Cruz
Ezadin Mahmoud commented on 27 January 2022
Hello Harold,
here is my script
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.CustomField;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue
import com.atlassian.jira.workflow.WorkflowTransitionUtil;
import com.atlassian.jira.workflow.WorkflowTransitionUtilImpl;
import com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraUtils;
import com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventDispatchOption
import com.atlassian.jira.project.Project
import com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser
import com.atlassian.jira.model.ChangeItem
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
Logger log = Logger.getLogger("")
log.warn "START"
def changeLog = event?.changeLog
def changeItems = changeLog.getRelated("ChildChangeItem")
def change = changeItems?.find{ it.field == "Suppler-FiledAgainst"}
def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager()
def issueManager = ComponentAccessor.issueManager
CustomField customField = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Supplier");
def supplier_filedagainst = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Suppler-FiledAgainst")
def filedagainst = issue.getCustomFieldValue(supplier_filedagainst)
def user = ComponentAccessor.jiraAuthenticationContext.loggedInUser
def new_supplier=""
Boolean condition= ((change.oldstring != null) && (change.newstring !=null) && (change.oldstring != change.newstring))
def commentManager = ComponentAccessor.getCommentManager()
//no changes found
if(condition && (filedagainst == "Supplier Q")){
//there is a changes
new_supplier = "Q"
commentManager.create(issue,user,"The new Supplier: "+new_supplier,false)
if(condition && (filedagainst == "Supplier X")){
new_supplier = "X"
commentManager.create(issue,user,"The new Supplier: "+new_supplier,false)
def cfConfig = customField.getRelevantConfig(issue)
def value = ComponentAccessor.optionsManager.getOptions(cfConfig)?.find { it.toString() == new_supplier }
issue.setCustomFieldValue(customField, value)
issueManager.updateIssue(user, issue, EventDispatchOption.ISSUE_UPDATED, false)
log.warn "END"
When the value of the custom field “Suppler-FiledAgainst” is changed on instance A, this change is synchronized with instance B via Exalate.
Then the script works on instance B and changes the value of the “Supplier” field and this works fine.
The problem is that the new value of the “Supplier” or any other changes (e.g.: comments) made in this script are not synchronized with instance A.
Best regards
Ezadin Mahmoud commented on 07 February 2022
Any updates, suggestions ?
Ezadin Mahmoud commented on 25 February 2022
Hello Harold Cruz,
Which Jira event EXALATE triggers on?
Best regards
Harold Oconitrillo commented on 28 February 2022
Hi Ezadin,
Please review this documentation and let me know if this is helpful for you.
Kind regards,
Harold Cruz
Ezadin Mahmoud commented on 01 March 2022
Hello Harold Cruz,
Unfortunately this does not help me.
In our case we have an already existing connection between two instances/projects A and B.
Compared to your example, in our case also the “Mode” value field in project B is changed from “Sad” to “Happy”, but the new value “Happy” is not synchronized with project A.
Thus the mode remains “Sad” in A.
Best regards
Harold Oconitrillo commented on 01 March 2022
Hello Ezadin Mahmoud,
As a suggestion, please change false to true in the code below and let us know the outcome.
issueManager.updateIssue(user, issue, EventDispatchOption.ISSUE_UPDATED, false)
Kind regards,
Harold Cruz
Ezadin Mahmoud commented on 02 March 2022
Hello Harold Cruz,
Changing the value from false to true did not help.
This does not trigger Exalate to synchronize with project A
Best regards
Ariel Aguilar commented on 26 April 2022
Hi Ezadin,
I would like to understand a bit more the problem, and we need to ask if the update of the custom field is leading to an issue update event?
Kind regards,
Ezadin Mahmoud commented on 26 April 2022
Hello Ariel,
No updating of the custom field via scriptrunner on project B dose not lead to update on project A.
Best regards
Ariel Aguilar commented on 26 April 2022
Hi again,
From what I understand, is that the sync transaction processing is updating a custom field, and that change needs to be replicated or sync to the destination - or issue pair.
The way that exalate works is that this will happen if:
- The update of the custom field leads to an update event.
This is not guaranteed, there are a lot of dependencies that this happens. - The update event reaches the registered listener by Exalate.
In case that the update event is being raised during the processing of the synchronization transaction, it will not be presented again to the registered listener. - The update of the script listener is not performed by the proxy authentication context.
Even in the case that the issue update event reaches the exalate issue event listener, updates performed in that authentication context will be ignored to avoid loops. - The outgoing sync script is generating a replica which is different from the previous sent message.
It can be that for some reason the replica is not different and the transaction will be cancelled.
Kind regards,
Ezadin Mahmoud commented on 31 May 2022
Hello Aguilar,
which Jira event triggers EXALATE then?
Best regards