Error when syncing an epic issue from next-gen project to classic project

Originally asked by Cloud Chiu on 23 June 2020 (original question)

When syncing an epic issue from next-gen project to classic project, an error triggered.

ErrorCollectionValue(List(),List(FieldErrorValue(customfield_10005,Epic Name is required.)))

What I did to tackle it is adding the following code in the incoming sync rue of destination side.

if(issue.typeName == "Epic"){
   issue.customFields."Epic Name"?.value = replica.summary

May you advise my solution and I would like to look for a better one if available.

Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 23 June 2020

Hi Cloud Chiu

This is also how we would do it.
The error indicates that the epic name is not set, and by adding the snippet, it is.