In the same project, there is a ticket A, then incoming a ticket B. A and B are the same tickets that we say tehy are the duplicated tickets.
We will link the ticket B to Ticket A by duplicates link type. Then we will working in ticket A, when any changed in ticket A, the ticket B will auto changed.
I known how to sync it. We can use the connect button in the more drop down list of an issue.
But I have another question, i don’t want to connect it by myself but auto.
When I link the issues by duplicate link type, then it can auto trigger the connenction by reading the linked issue id? How to implement it? Any suggestion?
Best regards,
Haihua Li
Helen Li commented on 23 December 2020
Dear Sir,
Please give me some suggestion, thanks.
Best regards,
Helen Li commented on 23 December 2020
Still I found, the connect only can connenct 1 ticket.
I found another solution, but do not know where the code put?