Duplicate of issues due to old and new connection

Originally asked by Mallikarjun on 03 December 2021 (original question)

We had a separate 2 Exalate connection(Script) to sync STORY and BUG from project A to project B in same Jira(cloud) both connection running from quick a long time and have 108 issues under sync.

Now we got new requirement to Sync EPIC as a parent and STORY and BUG as child relationship to EPIC for the same project A and B.

For this new requirement we create new EPIC Exalate connection(script) to sync EPIC, STORY, BUG with parent child relationship. And Disabled old STORY and BUG Connection scripts.

Now this is causing the duplicate issue to us. New EPIC connection script is not identifying the old 108 issues already synced by STORY and BUG connection in the B project.

When we have any update for old issue from project A, New EPIC connection script is creating new issue in project B instead of updating into the old issue.

Connection details.

  1. A_to_B For Story connection is Disabled.
  2. A_to_B_FOR_BUG connection is Disabled.
  3. A_to_B_EPIC - is enabled.(EPIC,STORY,BUG)

Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 03 December 2021

Yes - the behaviour is as expected.

Whenever you exalate an issue over a connection, if that issue is not under sync using that specific connection, a new issue will be created.

Answer by Mallikarjun on 06 December 2021

Yes plz,

How can I sync old issue to the new connection. Where I don’t want to create new issue for the existing one.