Create Salesforce Case of defined RecordType

Originally asked by Dave Chandler on 06 September 2023 (original question)


So we have a number of record types for case creation - how can i create a script for inbound in salesforce to create a new Case of RecordType = “Escalation”. RecordType is a Salesforce object in its own right that is linked to case.

Thanks legends!

Answer by Stéphane Thillay on 06 September 2023

Hi Dave,

When creating a Case, you can populate the RecordTypeId field with the Id of the RecordType having the Name “Escalation”. You must first get that Id, once for all, and hard code it in the incoming script, as part of the new Case data.

Or I’m totally missing the question…



Answer by Dave Chandler on 06 September 2023

cheers - yeah we tried that but decided we didnt want to hard code. Did it on the SF side with Apex triggers. Thanks though - really great confirmation of approach!

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