Salesforce <-> Jira - Sync Case with nested Cases

I have an integration between Salesforce and Jira . I’d like to enhance this by:

  1. Creating a Jira ticket when a Salesforce Case with nested Cases is created.
  2. Synchronizing the nested case information into the associated Jira ticket.
  3. Updating the Jira ticket whenever a new case is nested.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi Alexis,

So just to get this right, you would like to:

  • when a SF case is created → it creates a Jira ticket
  • when a nested SF case is created “underneath” the first case → this nested case gets synced to Jira as well (and linked to “parent” jira ticket?)

This is all certainly possible, but I am trying to understand the use case and flow better in order to provide the correct scripts.


Hi Majid, thanks in advanced for your response.

You’re right, when a SF case is created then it creates a Jira ticket.
But, when a nested SF case is created “underneath” the first case, only information of nested cases gets synced to “parent” Jira. I don’t need to create new Jiras.

Thanks again!

2 things need to happen to get this to work as you desire:

  1. Ensure that Exalate is able to recognize “child” cases as such and not Exalate them to Jira. This would be done by modifying your trigger query such that Exalate is only syncing Parent cases e.g. Parent=null (not sure of syntax - would need to be tested)

  2. The trickier part here would be to read the “child” data from the parent case and send it to the corresponding Jira “parent” ticket. This should be possible but depends on what data fields you want to read from the children. THen you also need to decide how you will represent this data on the Jira parent ticket - which field would you put that into etc.

May I ask why you do not want to send the child cases to Jira, as this would be the most efficient way to do this I think. Maybe this is for security reasons but we should be able to control what data is passed to Jira. The reason why I say this is because Jira does support hierarchies and Epic-child relations, and also has a corresponding Parent field.


Hi Majid,
The reason of this desired behaviour is due to a business requirement. Cases are created from Saslesforce, but when they involve a massive issue, child Cases are generated and associated with the parent Case…

Do you have an example of a script for sync child data to the parent Case?


Hi @Alexis

Jillani here chiming in for Majid :slight_smile:

As I have understood the scenario so far is:

  • You want to have two tickets synced, 1 from SF and second is JIra (parent tickets)
  • There are nested tickets under the SF tickets and only want their data to be synced to Jira side (parent ticket) instead of creating child tickets.

(for the above please correct me if I am missing anything).

May I know if you want to sync specific data, fields from a nested SF ticket to the main Jira issue?

Hi Jillani, nice to meet you.

I just need to sync a Jira’s ticket with a Case in Salesforce. This Case is parent and it would have one or more nested Cases below it.
I need to synchronise the children’s information when they are attached to their parent.

On the other hand, I need to synchronise some custom fields of childs Cases.

I hope this is clear. Please let me know if you need a better explanation.

Thanks in advance for help!

Appreciate the update and elaborating the situation.

I would have to replicate the scenario and needs to get in touch with right people to have it addressed.

Will be getting back to you as soon as I have the update.


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Hi Jillani! How are you? Any news to tell me?

Hi @Alexis

Apologies for the delayed response but I am still working on it. Please expect an update during this week.

Appreciate your cooperation.

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Hi Jillani! Thanks for your reply. I look forward to your response.