I have 4 Issue-Type on board A and on Board B I have 4 issue type different for example:
Board A: issue type :Incident,New Features,Improvement ,Story.
Board B: Issue Type: Work Request, Epic, Custom, Request, Service request.
then I need for transferring the issue type and when is on other board I need to change automatic the issue type when i apply an exalate for example:
inboard A a case can have the issue type incident but inboard B this case must have the issue type Work Request
I try with different script codes examples but I can’t doing
Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 05 October 2019
Can you provide the steps - something like
Open Issue A1 which has type Incident
Exalate the issue to board B using connection xyz
The newly created issues should B2 should have type Request
It would be easier to understand
Andrey Miranda commented on 07 October 2019
I going to explain when I have an incident open on Board A the Issue type is incident then when I apply an exalate the Board B the same issue I need this change the Issue type to work request.
I have somes connections for example Helpdesk with SysAdmin , Helpdesk with Engineering Support , helpdesk with Programing and helpdesk with Security but every Project the issue types are different.
I created a script that compares the issue type on board A with Board B and colocated the correctly issue type in the board b when Ia apply an exalate .but I only have created when I use 2 different issue types On board B for example Work request and CustomRequest.
Now I need 4 issue type on board A and 4 different issue type on board B then to change these issue type on board B I use a connection peer to peer for every project but I don’t know an example similar that I need