I’d like to exalate an issue from source side, but on destination I’d like to find the corresponding issue, and if it exists, connect the source issue to it instead of creating a new one on destination.
Here’s an example I made for GitHub > Jira Cloud, where I’d used the Jira Cloud REST API to find the issue on Jira end corresponding to the GitHub issue. If Exalate finds one, I’m asking Exalate to link the GitHub issue to it.
As icing on the top, I’d also configured Exalate to avoid syncing comments that were already present.
I’m using a local exalate - between 2 issues on the same Jira server instance.
How can I use this method in order to create a Jira-issue-link between the issues when connecting 2 already existingissues? and not when creating a new issue using exalate script
CC: Harold Oconitrillo
Serhiy Onyshchenko commented on 07 August 2022
Hey, Elyashiv
Same strategy: in the incoming script assign the issue.id property to point to the related issue, make sure to fill in the issue.projectKey and issue.typeName properties (so that Exalate’s validation of the issue variable doesn’t fail), use Jira API to create the issue link (for example, like this: https://docs.idalko.com/exalate/x/SQSOAQ).