API call to link JSM cloud and Azure Devops work items

Originally asked by Wade Hephner on 05 April 2021 (original question)


Is there an API that I can use to manually link tickets?

Here is what I would be doing:
1. User creates a ticket from our JSM Service desk portal.

2. upon approval a post function fires and we create a ticket in out azure Devops environment for a specific team based on a number of criteria.

3. I would then like to take that ticket that we created and link it back to the JSM ticket via an API call that I can put into my script.

I cannot use any of the other linking features I have found because I don’t actually need exhalate to create the work item in Azure Devops. I just need to link it programmatically.

Thank you for your time,

Answer by Daniel Carvajal on 06 April 2021

Hi Wade

You may find Azure’s Rest calls in the following document: https://docs.idalko.com/exalate/x/lwt1Aw

Let me know if I understood this correctly and this is what you require for your setup, if you require Jira’s rest calls please specify if its for Jira on premise or Cloud.




Daniel Carvajal commented on 05 April 2021

Hi Wade

In order to sync 2 already existing issues/work items you can use the Connect operation which allows you to specify the relation on both ends. More information on that function here:


Let me know if this would work on what you are trying to achieve or if you could elaborate more on why/how you would like to have the API function set that would help us understand your use case better.

Kind regards,


Wade Hephner commented on 05 April 2021

Hello Daniel, thank you for your quick reply,

I have read that document that is what I would like to do, but I need to be able to do it programmatically with an API call. I have all the data that i need already, I just need a way to call that API to make the connect happen.



Wade Hephner commented on 06 April 2021

Hello Daniel,

Thanks for that information,

I do know how to make api calls to azure devops and to Jira cloud, I am currently doing that, I am looking for a way to make an API call to exalate to perform the connect feature to connect 2 existing work items, one from Jira and one form azure devops.

The manual way will not work for our use case.



Wade Hephner commented on 08 April 2021

Hello Daniel, I have not heard back for a few days and was wondering if you have and new information about this ?



Daniel Carvajal commented on 09 April 2021

Hi Wade

We believe the approach would be to use servicehooks to implement the functionality, you may find how to set this up in this guide: https://docs.idalko.com/exalate/x/ZgLBAg

However Im still investigation the connect portion of this setup, Ill update as soon as possible…



Wade Hephner commented on 09 April 2021

Thanks for that Idea Daniel, I did look into that option as well, however I am not sure how a trigger will work to connect a work item from Jira to azure devops I thought I would need to connect them first, I will await your findings on the connect action.


Wade Hephner commented on 09 April 2021

I think what we really need is for you to expose the api that is being used by the connect function.

Daniel Carvajal commented on 13 April 2021

Hi Wade

Unfortunately this is something that presents a security concern for our application, hence this API is not available at the moment, a workaround would be to map the issues using the issue.id assignment. If in the incoming processor you assign for example:

issue.id = "100500"

Where 100500 is an id of an existing issue,
Exalate is not going to create a new issue, but instead it’s going to connect the remote issue (replica) to that issue 100500.

And if you want to sync multiple issues you can use a switch or if/else statement to have the proper association made.

I hope this helps your use case,
