Originally asked by Shir Goldberg on 29 October 2020 (original question)
We’re syncing issues from GitHub to Jira. On GitHub, we want to include a link to the Jira issue once it’s created in the ticket description. We have code in our GitHub incoming sync to append a link to the Jira issue to the GitHub description.
However, we can’t figure out a way to have Exalate immediately add that information to GitHub after the Jira ticket is created. Right now, it will only add the link to the Jira issue after an additional change (such as a comment) has been made after creation on the Jira side. We want to sync back to add the link to the GitHub description immediately after Exalate creates the ticket in Jira.
I tried adding a comment in the initial code for the Jira incoming sync hoping it would trigger a sync back to GitHub. It adds the comment to Jira but it doesn’t seem to sync the comment at all:
// If it's the first sync for an issue (local issue does not exist yet)
// Set project key from source issue, if not found set a default
issue.projectKey = "GIT"
issue.comments = commentHelper.addComment("Sync this back", issue.comments)
Any advice would be appreciated.