Synchronize multi-option checkbox to Organization

Originally asked by Paul Schmidt on 03 September 2020 (original question)


I’m looking for a way to synchronize a multi-option checkbox to the helpdesk’s Organizations field.

This article describes how to sync from the Organizations field to a text field, but not how to sync the other way around.\+to\+sync\+'Organization\+Names'\+to\+the\+text\+custom\+field

I also know how to sync the Organization names to a multi-option checkbox, but I don’t know how to populate changes from that checkbox back to the Organization field. This is how I synchronise Organization to custom field called Kunden (multi-option checkbox)


final def textFieldCfName = "Organisationen" 
def localOptionValue = issue.customFields[textFieldCfName]?.value if (localOptionValue == null) { throw new com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException( "Can not synchronize "+textFieldCfName+"to destination jira since there is no value set for issue"+ issueKey.URN +"`("")") } 


// Check all organizations 
def nygSelectListCfName = "Kunden" 
def cfm = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager() 
def om = ComponentAccessor.getOptionsManager() 
def remoteOptionValues = replica.customKeys."Organizations" 
def cf = cfm.getCustomFieldObjectsByName(nygSelectListCfName).find() 
def fCfg = cf.getRelevantConfig(IssueContext.GLOBAL) 
def localOptions = om.getOptions(fCfg) 

// Make sure all options are available 
remoteOptionValues.eachWithIndex { orgName, i -> if (!localOptions.any { option -> option.value == orgName }) { om.createOption(fCfg, null, 0L, orgName) } } issue.customFields."Kunden".value = nodeHelper.getOptions(issue, "Kunden", remoteOptionValues) 

Hopefully, someone can help,


Quelle: Use case - Helpdesk to Development

Answer by Paul Schmidt on 04 January 2021

Thanks for all your contribution. This is how I finally solved it:


replica.customFields."Kunden" = issue.customFields."Kunden"


def organisations = replica.customFields."Kunden".value?.collect{
            a -> a.value
issue.customFields."Organisationen".value = organisations

Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 02 March 2022

Another question on this topic.

From JIRA, we have a Select list custom field on a screen when we Exalate to JSM.
We select an ‘Organization’ on this screen upon Exalation, the issue then gets Synced in JSM.

We want this Organization we select to be populated on the JSM ticket, this should go to the Organization custom list on JSM, which is managed by Insight. I think the complication potentially comes from the fact that the Organization list is managed by Insight.

At the moment, the Organization field on the JSM ticket is blank. You can type in an Organization in this field and it will populate.

This is what we have in our JIRA Connections outgoing script:

replica.customFields.“Organizations” = issue.customFields.“Organizations”

And this under our JSM incoming script:

issue.customFields.Organizations?.value = replica.customFields.Organizations.value?.collect { org -> org?.organizationName }?.findAll()

Hope this helps.


Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 02 March 2022

Hi Roy Chapman

Can you detail out what is not working at the moment. Is the organisation field not populating when doing an incoming sync?

Samuel Carter commented on 07 March 2022

Francis Martens (Exalate) Correct, the organization field is blank. Organization should be populated with the information from the select list on the previous screen.

Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 13 March 2022

Hi Samuel Carter

Can you check if the field value assigned to the organizations field is what it should be.
You can do 2 actions

a) check out the right hand side calculated value by doing

def targetOrg = replica.customFields.Organizations.value?.collect { org -> org?.organizationName }?.findAll()
debug.error("Targetorg = ${targetOrg}")

When a sync transaction is triggered, an error will be raised containing the targetOrg - is it what you expect

b) Check out what value can be assigned to Organizations by hard coding something

I believe Organizations is an array, so you could try something like

issue.customFields.Organizations?.value = [ "Google", "Apple" ]

Give it a try.

Samuel Carter commented on 17 March 2022

Hi Francis,

Thanks for your suggestion and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

Please see below for results of each solution:

a) Returns the following error ‘Cannot get property ‘value’ on null object’

b) When I put this in, it will successfully assign ALL the values which are included in the array, so Organizations field on JSM has ‘Apple’, Google’ and ‘Microsoft’ assigned to it.

Thanks and regards,


Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 27 March 2022

Hi Sam,

Now it is my turn to be apological for the late reply.

a) it means that issue.customFields.Organizations is null - is this to be expected?
b) Should Microsoft not be part of it?

Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 04 April 2022

From Roy Chapman

I have played with the debugging.

Previously the debug read

def organisations = replica.customFields."Organizations".value?.collect{
            a -> a.value
debug.error("Targetorg = ${organisations}")

And generated

Targetorg = []

I have changed to read

def organisations = replica.customFields."Organizations".value?.collect{
            a -> a.value

def Royorganisations = replica.customFields."Organizations"
debug.error("Targetorg = ${Royorganisations}")

And get this debug.

Targetorg = com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubCustomField@8ddb1275

What does this mean? Does this mean that a value is coming across? If so, where is the value? (I selected TAP as the value)

Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 04 April 2022

Hi Roy Chapman


is how groovy denotes an object. The class is BasicHubCustomField and its address is ddb1275

The reason why you get this, is because you assign the customField to the variable Royorganisations

def Royorganisations = replica.customFields."Organizations"

Note that this has nothing to do with the collect operation performed on replica.customFields.“Organizations”
That result is assigned to the variable ‘organisations

I would rather to

debug.error("Targetorg = ${organisations}"

And see what gives.

Answer by Salma Nairi on 18 December 2020


add Davis symbol “?”

issue.customFields.“Organisationen”?.value = replica.customKeys***?***.“Kunden”.value

Answer by Cristina Mogos on 17 September 2020


i have a similar challenge;

1. sync a custom field text to Organization

2. sync a single select option to Organization

Does anyone have an idea how this can be done?

Many thanks in advance



Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 17 September 2020

This should help you
How to sync Organizations field on Jira Service Desk

Cristina Mogos commented on 17 September 2020

Hi Francis,

the solution provided in Exalate documentation works fine when sync goes from Jira Service Desk to Jira SW (Custom Text field).

i need the other way around now, i have Custom text filed value → JSD Organization; respectively Single select → JSD Organization.

Many thanks


Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 18 September 2020

Hi Cristina Mogos

I thought that a video might help showing how organization does work in my case.

But maybe I’m not fully grasping the problem so let me know.

Cristina Mogos commented on 18 September 2020

Hi Francis,

Thank you very much for the video.I will try to explain more about the Case.

There are 2 Jira instances : 1 Jira Service Desk (JSD) and one Jira Software (JSW). In JSD there is the system field Organization. In JSW there is no system field Organization, and we use a custom field for that (Custom field text or single select, depending on the project).

From JSD to JSW the sync works fine, as you also explained in the video.

From JSW to JSD i did not find a way to do it; from Text field to Organization ; from single select to Organization.

hope it is more clear.

thank you very very much for your time


Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 18 September 2020

The video highlighted how you can set the organizations in the JSD project. Apparently not clear enough (old community)
Anyway - try following

a) in the incoming sync on the JSD side add following code

issue.customFields.Organizations.value = ["Organization Name1", "Organization Name2"]

b) Ensure that both organizations exist in the JSD configuration
c) Sync a change from JSW to JSD

d) See if the organizations have been set.

Next would be to develop a mapping between the select list and the organizations field. If above fails - let me know.

Cristina Mogos commented on 18 September 2020

Hi Francis,

it works as you mentioned. yeyyyy (old community)

Thank you,


Cristina Mogos commented on 18 September 2020

Hi Francis,

I’m back again…

Now i can create an issued from JSW to JSD in the right organization. Still, JSD users in that organization do not see the issue. I assume is because the issue has to be “shared with organization”. How do i enforce this after issue creation (via Exalate)?

(shall i open a different queue for this question please let me know.)

Best and thanks


Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 18 September 2020

Yes - please (open a new question)

Cristina Mogos commented on 18 September 2020


Thank you for all your support


Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 04 September 2020

Hi Paul Schmidt

You lost me here.

On left you have a checkbox customfield, which contains organisation names

On right, you would like to select the corresponding organisations based on the values in the left customfield

Is this correct?


Paul Schmidt commented on 04 September 2020

Hi Francis Martens (Exalate) ,

Thanks for your quick replay. That’s correct.

Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 05 September 2020

OK - lets take it step by step.

a) Ensure that the customer information is transmitted correctly from Left to Right

b) Ensure that it is applied correctly on Right.

Can you confirm that the information is arriving on right (ie. like an array) .
Check the remote issues tab for more detail
(assuming you are on a Jira Server to Jira Server environment)

Paul Schmidt commented on 07 September 2020

I can confirm that the organization names reach the right side as an array

Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 07 September 2020

Can you try something like

issue.customFields.Organizations.value = replica.customKeys.Organizations
Paul Schmidt commented on 08 September 2020

I tried the following variants:

issue.customFields."Organizations".value = replica.customKeys."Kunden"
issue.customFields.Organizations.value = replica.customKeys."Kunden"

Both lead to the following exception on the right side (Service Desk) when checking a new item on the left side:

Cannot set property 'value' on null object

Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 17 September 2020

Paul Schmidt - i missed your latest comment.

> Cannot set property ‘value’ on null object

It means that Organization cannot be found. Can you confirm the name in the custom field list
Is this Jira Cloud or Jira Server, and in case of server - what version?
We will try to reproduce

Paul Schmidt commented on 18 September 2020

Hi Francis Martens (Exalate) ,

We’re running Jira Server 8.11.1 on the left side and 8.5.0 on the right side. Exalate version 5.0.3 on both.

The field Organizations is called Organisationen in the custom field list due to our German installation.

I adapted it to the following. Now I don’t get an error, but the field is not synchronized.


replica.customFields."Kunden" = issue.customFields."Kunden"


issue.customFields."Organisationen".value = replica.customKeys."Kunden"
Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 18 September 2020

Ah - good news.

You should set the value - can you try?

issue.customFields."Organisationen".value = replica.customKeys."Kunden".value

Also make sure that the organisation is available on the target. It must be exactly the same.

Paul Schmidt commented on 08 October 2020

Hi Francis Martens (Exalate) ,

When I follow your last suggestion, the following happens:

  • When I set an Organization on the left (whose name does exist on the right), it is not updated on the right (but no error is thrown).
  • When I set no Organization on the left, an error is thrown:
Script error for issue XXX. Details: Cannot get property 'value' on null object. Error line: Script15.groovy:46 

Also, I am a little confused: When do I use customKeys and when customFields?

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