Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 27 January 2022
Hi Fran Sánchez
Checkout the How to manage comment visibility document
Just set the comment.internal to true or false.
(this is for scripted connections)
Fran Sánchez commented on 27 January 2022
Thank you very much for your reply.
Yes, I checked it, but I don’t see how to make the comparison to determine if what I get is an internal or external comment and then apply true or false to the attribute.
I have tried several things, but it does not work:
issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica, {
comment ->
if (replica.internal) {
comment.internal = true
comment.internal = false
Where is the error?
Best regards
Fran Sánchez commented on 27 January 2022
any idea Francis Martens (Exalate)?? thanks for the help!!
Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 27 January 2022
It is always handy to know what the cause of the problem is.
What you need to know is what the value of replica.internal is.
One way of doing so is to add in your code a debug statement which will raise an error showing the information you need to know
issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica, {
comment ->
debug.error("The value of replica.internal is ${replica.internal}")
if (replica.internal) {
comment.internal = true
comment.internal = false
And then trigger an incoming sync. And review the output of the debug statement …
I guess that replica.internal doesn’t exist.
Fran Sánchez commented on 27 January 2022
Thank you very much for your response. I was unaware of the debugging option. It is perfect.
Once tested I confirm that indeed replica.internal is null. However I have debugged the replica.comments of the Jira outgoint sync and despite having public and private comments I see that everything comes out as public. So it is logical that Zendesk cannot differentiate between private and public.
Why is this? I attach the image in which you can see that I have in Jira public and private comments, the image of the lines that I am debugging and part of the debug result where you can see that all comments: @internal= `false`.
Outgoing sync in Jira:
replica.comments = issue.comments
debug.error("The value of comments is ${replica.comments}")
Comments private and public in Jira:
Result of the debug:
BasicHubComment{@body=`new12`, @id=`10229`, @remoteId=`null`, @author=`{ @key : 70121:9c815981-e9a2-45bd-af56-2d60fee20b8a}`, @created=`Thu Jan 27 08:56:21 UTC 2022`, @updateAuthor=`{ @key : 70121:9c815981-e9a2-45bd-af56-2d60fee20b8a}`, @updated=`Thu Jan 27 08:56:21 UTC 2022`, @group=`null`, @role=`null`, @internal= `false`, @executor= `null`}, BasicHubComment{@body=`newpublica`, @id=`10230`, @remoteId=`null`, @author=`{ @key : 70121:9c815981-e9a2-45bd-af56-2d60fee20b8a}`, @created=`Thu Jan 27 09:02:45 UTC 2022`, @updateAuthor=`{ @key : 70121:9c815981-e9a2-45bd-af56-2d60fee20b8a}`, @updated=`Thu Jan 27 09:02:45 UTC 2022`, @group=`null`, @role=`null`, @internal= `false`, @executor= `null`}, BasicHubComment{@body=`new interna`, @id=`10231`, @remoteId=`null`, @author=`{ @key : 70121:9c815981-e9a2-45bd-af56-2d60fee20b8a}`, @created=`Thu Jan 27 09:02:50 UTC 2022`, @updateAuthor=`{ @key : 70121:9c815981-e9a2-45bd-af56-2d60fee20b8a}`, @updated=`Thu Jan 27 09:02:50 UTC 2022`, @group=`null`, @role=`null`, @internal= `false`, @executor= `null`}, BasicHubComment{@body=`responder al cliente`, @id=`10232`, @remoteId=`null`, @author=`{ @key : 70121:9c815981-e9a2-45bd-af56-2d60fee20b8a}`, @created=`Thu Jan 27 14:51:10 UTC 2022`, @updateAuthor=`{ @key : 70121:9c815981-e9a2-45bd-af56-2d60fee20b8a}`, @updated=`Thu Jan 27 14:51:10 UTC 2022`, @group=`null`, @role=`null`, @internal= `false`, @executor= `null`}
Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 27 January 2022
The rest api of Jira reports all comments as public whenever the request type is not set …
Is the request type set on the JIra side?
Fran Sánchez commented on 27 January 2022
I thi think so, it’s the green icon next to the ticket ID, isn’t it? or am I wrong?
Fran Sánchez commented on 27 January 2022
I think I have found the solution here. I will try it and confirm:
Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 28 January 2022
This is an example of a request type set
on Jira Server
On Jira cloud
Can you check and confirm
Fran Sánchez commented on 01 February 2022
Hello, that was the problem. Once I assigned a request type to the tickets I have already been able to differentiate between public and internal comments later in Zendesk for what I needed. thank you very much for the help provided!