Sync asignee from Jira to Github

Originally asked by Elinor Garcia-Garcia on 21 October 2020 (original question)

We are looking to sync assignee from Jira to assignee to Github.

Is there a way to match assignee based on their full name? And is there a way to match assignee based on multiple emails?

Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 21 October 2020

Elinor Garcia-Garcia

This is certainly possible.
First you need to ensure that the assignee information is transported from Jira to Github, by specifying in the outgoing sync (normally it is already there)

Outgoing sync

replica.assignee = issue.assignee

On the incoming side you can use the nodeHelper.getUserByUserName to look up the user by name

Incoming sync - untested

issue.assignees = [nodeHelper.getUserByUsername(replica.assignee.displayName)]

You will need to search the exact syntax (no time now to look it up in detail)


James Linder commented on 27 October 2020


I’m testing using nodeHelper.getUserByUsername() in the GitHub incoming sync by hardcoding my GitHub username and it’s always coming back as `null`. In the docs for `nodeHelper.getUserByUsername()`, it says null is returned when the user name is not found or when the Exalate user has no ‘Browse Users’ permissions. How can I check whether the “Browse Users” permission is given to the Exalate user? and how does one give that permission if it’s not set?

Alternatively, is there another way to create a user object for use in the `issue.assingnee` field?

This is the context in which I am using the function.

def userMap = [
    "": "github-username-1",
    "": "github-username-2"

def assignee = replica.assignee?.username
if (userMap.containsKey(assignee)) {
    assignee = userMap[assignee]

issue.assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByUsername(assignee)
Juan Grases commented on 29 October 2020

That’s strange, the nodeHelper.getUserByUsername should be the way to go on exalate for github. I also wanted you to try to use issue.assignees (which is unique on github)

issue.assignees = [nodeHelper.getUserByUsername(“username”)]

Even though we are documenting the issue.assignee should also work, I think it would be good if you try this way.

James Linder commented on 29 October 2020

Thanks for your answer Juan.

I’ve figured out what was happening.

  1. I initially was setting assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByUsername("myGitHubUserName") . That never set the assignee in GitHub.
  2. In the code above, I used replica.assignee?.username , but the username field doesn’t exist in replica.assignee . The correct field to use is email . So since there was never a value for username , I was always putting a null into the getUserByUsername function. So when I had tried issue.assignees = [nodeHelper.getUserByUsername(replica.assignee?.username)] , it never found a user.

Now that I know to set assignees and use the email field, I have it working.

The fully working code is:

def userMap = [
    "": "github-username-1",
    "": "github-username-2"

def assignee = replica.assignee?.email
if (userMap.containsKey(assignee)) {
    assignee = userMap[assignee]

issue.assignees = [nodeHelper.getUserByUsername(assignee)]

Note: One thing that misled me about replica.assignee?.username is the example on this doc page where it explicitly uses .username . If there was an example specifically for the GitHub incoming sync, that would have saved me a lot of time.