Several fields not synchronizing from HP Quality Center to Jira

Originally asked by Sebastian Petruschat on 12 November 2020 (original question)


I believe I have followed to instructions on how to configure the sync and most of our customer’s desired fields are being synchronized but some won’t.

These are the affected fields and how I configured them

OUTGOING SYNC (HP Quality Center)             =
replica.reference      = defect.reference
replica.project        = defect.project
replica.customFields."user-08" = defect.customFields."user-08" //Label: Production error / Error in production since
replica.customFields."detected-in-rel" = defect.customFields."detected-in-rel"


issue.customFields."Reference".value = replica.reference
issue.customFields."HP QC ID".value =
issue.customFields."Project".value = replica.project

Version Synchronization
def remoteVersions = replica.customFields."detected-in-rel"?.value
issue.customFields."Detected in Release / Version".value =
  remoteVersions?.collect { v -> nodeHelper.createVersion(issue,, v.description) } ?: []
def remoteVersions2 = replica.customFields."user-08"?.value
issue.customFields."Production errors / errors in production from".value =
  remoteVersions?.collect { v -> nodeHelper.createVersion(issue,, v.description) } ?: []  

There are no error messages when I save the code or when the Sync is executing. The field values just won’t synchronize to Jira. I have made sure that the versions in question exist within the Jira project.

There is currently no backwards synchronization configured.

Thanks for your help.

Answer by Sebastian Petruschat on 18 November 2020

In the meantime, the code has changed to this but is still not working for the fields under “//This is not working”:


if(entityType == 'testCase') {
replica.key            = testCase.key
replica.owner          = testCase.owner 
replica.summary        = testCase.summary
replica.description    = testCase.description
replica.comments       = commentHelper.getSingleCommentFromCommentsArea(testCase)
replica.status         = testCase.status
replica.attachments    = testCase.attachments

//Test Case "user fields" sync
//replica.customFields."TS_USER_05" = testCase.customFields."TS_USER_05"

} else {
replica.key            = defect.key
replica.owner          = defect.owner 
replica.reporter       = defect.detectedBy
replica.summary        = defect.summary
replica.description    = defect.description
replica.comments       = commentHelper.getSingleCommentFromCommentsArea(defect)
replica.status         = defect.status
replica.attachments    = defect.attachments
replica.severity       = defect.severity
replica.created        = defect.created
replica.updated        = defect.updated

// These are not working.             =
replica.reference      = defect.reference
replica.project        = defect.project
replica.customFields."user-08" = defect.customFields."Production error" //Label: Production error / Error in production since
replica.customFields."detected-in-rel" = defect.customFields."Detected in Release / Version"


   issue.projectKey   = "INTTP"
   // Set type name from source issue, if not found set a default
   issue.typeName     = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.typeName)?.name ?: "Defect"
issue.summary      = replica.summary
//issue.description  = replica.description
issue.description = replica.description?.take(32767-3) + "..."
issue.labels       = replica.labels
//issue.comments     = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica)
issue.attachments  = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica)
issue.created      = replica.created
issue.updated      = replica.updated
issue.fixVersions  = replica.fixVersions
issue.resolutionDate = replica.resolutionDate
issue.affectedVersions = replica.affectedVersions

User Synchronization (Assignee/Reporter)

Set a Reporter/Assignee from the source side, if the user can't be found set a default user
You can use this approach for custom fields of type User
def defaultUser = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail("")
issue.reporter = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.reporter?.email) ?: defaultUser
issue.assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.assignee?.email) ?: defaultUser

Comment Synchronization

Sync comments with the original author if the user exists in the local instance
Remove original Comments sync line if you are using this approach
issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica){ it.executor = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail( }
Status Synchronization

Sync status according to the mapping [remote issue status: local issue status]
If statuses are the same on both sides don't include them in the mapping
def statusMapping = ["Closed": "Closed", "Eingeplant": "Open", "Erfasst": "Open", "Fixed": "Fixed", "Im Test": "In Progress", "In Arbeit": "In Progress", "New": "Open", "Open": "Open", "Rejected": "Cancelled"]
def remoteStatusName =
issue.setStatus(statusMapping[remoteStatusName] ?: remoteStatusName)

Severity Synchronization

Sync severity according to the mapping [remote issue severity: local issue severity]
If severities are the same on both sides don't include them in the mapping
def severityMapping = ["1-Low": "1-Ohne", "2-Medium": "2-Unwesentlich", "3-High": "3-Mittel", "4-Very High": "4-Schwer", "5-Urgent": "5-Blocker"]
def remoteSeverityName = replica.severity
issue.customFields."Severity".value = severityMapping[remoteSeverityName] ?: "1-Ohne"

//The following fields are not working, including the version synchronization
issue.customFields."Reference".value = replica.reference
issue.customFields."HP QC ID".value =
issue.customFields."Project".value = replica.project

Version Synchronization
def remoteVersions = replica.customFields."Detected in Release / Version"?.value
issue.customFields."Detected in Release / Version".value =
  remoteVersions?.collect { v -> nodeHelper.createVersion(issue,, v.description) } ?: []
def remoteVersions2 = replica.customFields."Production error"?.value
issue.customFields."Production error".value =
  remoteVersions?.collect { v -> nodeHelper.createVersion(issue,, v.description) } ?: []  

// throw new Exception("The value is: ${replica.project}") --> wrong value is synchronized (Project custom field shows com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubProject@df701a86(
// throw new Exception("The value is: ${}") --> value is Null error
// throw new Exception("The value is: ${replica.reference}") --> value is Null error
// throw new Exception("The value is: ${replica.customFields."user-08"}") --> value is Null error
// throw new Exception("The value is: ${replica.customFields."detected-in-rel"}") --> value is Null error


Juan Grases commented on 17 November 2020


Actually the detected-in-rel is synced as

replica.affectedVersions = defect.affectedVersions

Is not a custom field. Regarding the CF, could you try:

replica.customFields."user-08" = defect.customFields."Production error" 

Normally using the label should work.

Best regards,


Sebastian Petruschat commented on 18 November 2020

Hi Juan Grases
Thannks for your reply. In this case the field detected-in-rel is a custom field since our customer uses it in addition to Affects version/s to indicate the exact release in which the defect has been discovered.

Unfortunately, your suggested use of the label does not yield the desired result.

