Originally asked by Harold Oconitrillo on 02 May 2022 (original question)
Zendesk is blocked on issue tracker
Error impact: Relation
Error type: Sync rules error
After that message, our tickets stopped to be synced to our customer’s Zendesk from Jira.
What is causing it? That is the first time we experience this type of error and it is causing so many issues to my colleagues.
services.jcloud.exception.JiraCloudTrackerException: Could not perform a transition `{"transition":{"id":"1021"}}` for issue with id `55,008`: "CBA Ticket Level" is mandatory to solve the issue, please select a valid option.; "CBA Company" is mandatory to solve the issue, please select a valid option.; "CBA System" is mandatory to solve the issue, please select a valid option..
at services.node.JCloudTrackerExceptionCategoryService.generateCouldNotPerformTransitionForIssueJir