Is it possible to get more details about the Jira user? I mean I have more properties in Jira side (e.g phone number, some other ids, etc…), customs as well. It would be nice if somehow I could be able to get those information as well.
Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 10 August 2020
Hello Gabor Tavali
Where is this information stored?
Gabor Tavali commented on 10 August 2020
Hey Francis Martens (iDalko)
We have some extra user information in Jira (company ids). It can be anywhere in Jira side, the question is, where should we store them if we want to get it in Exalate?
Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 10 August 2020
You lost me (old community)
Are you already storing this information in cloud,
Where do you need these in server …
Please provide much more context - thanks
Gabor Tavali commented on 10 August 2020
Sorry if I was misunderstood. (old community)
I’d like to store some extra information for all users (employee id) in Jira Cloud, but it doesn’t matter where. We can put the custom information anywhere in Jira you prefer. The goal is to get that custom user field in Exalate when we define the mapping rules.
Is it possible?
Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 10 August 2020
Ah - you would like to add to a user specific values.
Do you know if there is a rest api for this entity type?
You can then use the JiraClient to set/access that information
Script error for issue ST-26. Details: Failed to perform the request GET /rest/api/3/user/properties (status 404), and body was: ```null``` Please contact Exalate Support: {"errorMessages":["Specified user does not exist or you do not have required permissions"],"errors":{}}. Error line: JiraClient.groovy:88
The error is on the Jira side. Could you help in this issue?
Juan Grases commented on 11 August 2020
Hi! There is an easier way to interact with the Jira Cloud REST API:
Script error for issue ST-26. Details: Cannot get property 'keys' on null object. Error line: Script403.groovy:23
In a browser I can get answer for that accountId. What could be the problem?
Juan Grases commented on 11 August 2020
Could you share what is the answer you get from the browser when doing /rest/api/3/user/properties?accountId=5ce5eec03b428d0dcd7cac19 on your Jira Cloud?