I want to map the JIRA Team Field to a Salesforce Case Picklist Field

I have the fields mapped but am stuck at how to Define the mapping between these fields so it is bi directional. I feel like I need a DEF script and then does it map to the Team Name or the OPTION ID in JIRA ? Screenshots included of the field. TEAM is a default field in JIRA and Team is a custom pick list field in SFDC

SFDC Outgoing
if(entity.entityType == “Case”) {
replica.key = entity.Id
replica.summary = entity.Jira_Title__c
replica.description = entity.Jira_Summary__c
replica.comments = entity.comments
replica.attachments = entity.attachments
replica.Jira_Account__c = entity.Jira_Account__c
replica.Jira_Pod__c = entity.Jira_Pod__c

SFDC Incoming
entity.entityType = “Case”

if(entity.entityType == “Case”){
entity.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(entity, replica)
entity.attachments = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(entity, replica)
entity.Jira_Eng_Priority__c = replica.priority?.name
entity.Jira_ID__c = replica.key
entity.Jira_Status__c =replica.status?.name
entity.Jira_Pod__c = replica.Jira_Pod__c

JIRA Outgoing
replica.key = issue.key
replica.comments = issue.comments
replica.attachments = issue.attachments
replica.priority = issue.priority
replica.status = issue.status
replica.“Jira_Pod__C” = issue.Team

JIRA Incoming
if (firstSync) {
issue.projectKey = “ST”
// Set the same issue type as the source issue. If not found, set a default.
issue.typeName = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.type?.name, issue.projectKey)?.name ?: “Content Issue”

issue.summary = replica.summary
issue.description = nodeHelper.toMarkDownFromHtml(replica.description)
issue.comments = nodeHelper.toMarkDownComments(commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica))
issue.attachments = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica)
issue.customFields.“Client Impacted”.value = nodeHelper.createOption(issue, “Client Impacted”, replica.“Jira_Account__c”)
issue.labels += nodeHelper.getLabel(“SFDCTechSupport”)
issue.Team = replica.“Jira_Pod__C”

I have the sync working from SFDC >>> JIRA and created a field DEF logic in Incoming Scripts using the Team ID #, however if I change the TEAM in JIRA it does not write back to SFDC here is the SFDC Incoming with updated script

def stageMap = [
“74ec6d9a-4c27-4936-930c-888d06f7ca34” : “Agent Pod”,
“5b92cdc6-5f1c-4c33-931d-9488b7fb4d71”: “Air Pod”,
“8c85caf6-3676-4596-865c-87d386a77c5a” : “API Pod”,
“36b5b727-366f-4c32-af4d-0209013efd99” : “Automation Pod”,
“f3187463-9455-4360-ae4d-2f9d4e9b6149” : “Back Office Pod”,
“a8305d2b-6ef2-4697-bb31-daa36ccffdd7” : “Content and Global POS”,
“ab701780-e892-4701-8a2a-456f1e77f18c” : “Data & Analytics Pod”,
“41c0de82-fe59-4b55-b081-5eab94276d45” : “Design Pod”,
“128562c0-5c0c-422d-ac13-ddf611b24fdd” : “FE Infra & Partner Pod”,
“62ca8d12-bdd4-4562-91cc-80ca11795517” : “Finance Team”,
“8d1b852b-e2a5-42b3-8a0a-58d44430e646” : “Guest & Event Pod”,
“3847d294-ee10-4963-b923-9fa3099799db” : “Hotel & Ground Pod”,
“5a7968b7-909e-421d-95e3-36d6f54db311” : “IGT / TE Support”,
“9c36ad9d-524b-4eec-961c-eda1b82661ce” : “P&P DevOps + SRE Pod”,
“86197f74-c7b4-4803-bf6a-2a0f1deb5798” : “PerfEng + Tools Pod”,
“cf9fa392-db0c-49b6-98d8-68752e685961” : “Platform Pod”,
“ff55c9ed-1a70-456c-82f1-80c86f6e84c7” : “Profile & Admin Pod”,
“2290f8c1-d27d-4036-8553-dae0621b57d8” : “QA Pod”,
“99303ce4-f735-4985-aa15-36b89c25e991” : “Supplier Content Relations Team”,
“44439d53-7d18-4d76-9932-ca5d09ce2d65” : “Seat 1A”,
“715b5c36-7786-4cca-b7fd-f2bf8f0d9bd7” : “TMC Pod”,
“2bc156fc-6a32-4185-ba91-1bcf18fc6bb2” : “Unassigned Pod”,
entity.Jira_Pod__c = stageMap[replica.Jira_Pod__c?.name]

@Javier or @mathieu
is there any help I can get here I can see everything in remote replica but still if I change the value in JIRA it does not change in SFDC