How to sync Tempo worklog attributes?

Originally asked by Amr Hamza on 05 August 2020 (original question)

We are currently able to sync worklogs between two Jira instances. This include author, date, duration and description. However, we would like also to sync the Tempo related attributes along with it such as the Tempo Account and any other custom attributes that might be needed in the future. Just to be more specific, these attributes are saved in the worklog, not in the issue.

I can’t seem to find information on this topic in the documenation, so I appreciate your support.


Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 05 August 2020

Is this server or cloud?

Amr Hamza commented on 05 August 2020

Both instances are Jira Server.

1 Like

Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 05 August 2020

A good source of inspiration is available at

You can extract account information from the customField - check for instance

These values can be transported using a customKey such as

// untested code

import com.tempoplugin.platform.jira.user.JiraTempoUser

def account = issue.customFields.account.value
replica.customKeys.accountLeadName = (account.lead as JiraTempoUser)

Not sure if it will work - especially with the import.


Amr Hamza commented on 07 August 2020

Hi Francis Martens (Exalate),

Thanks for your reply.

I guess what you are proposing is a way to somehow set the Account field or an account dependent field in Jira issue itself. However, what we are trying to achieve is to set the Account attribute in the Tempo Worklog.

A usecase that might help understand our requirement is that we for example set the Account field in a Jira issue to the billable account of our customer by default. When we log work, the worklog captures the value of the Account field and displays it as a default value for the Accout attribute in the worklog.

Sometimes it is decided that some worklogs are unbillable so we change the value of the Account attribute to the unbillable account. Now what would like to do:

  • Send only those billable worklogs to customer’s Jira,
  • Or send all worklogs but include their Account attribute information so that the customer has also visibility to what is billable and what is not,

Of course, because the accounts are different in both instances, we would like to create a mapping in the incoming sync rules.

I hope this could clear the question a bit.



Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 10 August 2020

OK - try it as follows

** First look up the attribute id for account through the workAttributeService
** To get access to this service - lookup the class using the findClass method
** and then use the getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType to get the service itself
** (the throw is a handy trick to see if you get the results you expect

def workAttributeServiceClass = ComponentAccessor.pluginAccessor.classLoader.findClass("com.tempoplugin.core.workattribute.api.WorkAttributeService")
def workAttributeService = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(workAttributeServiceClass)
//throw new Exception ("Work AttributeService  - ${}")

def accountAttribute = workAttributeService.getWorkAttributeByKey("_Account_").returnedValue

** Then look up the value of the attribute using the workAttributeValueService
** the approach is the same (lookup class, get the instance)

def workAttributeValueServiceClass = ComponentAccessor.pluginAccessor.classLoader.findClass("com.tempoplugin.core.workattribute.api.WorkAttributeValueService")
def workAttributeValueService = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(workAttributeValueServiceClass)
def worklogs = issue.workLogs

//throw new Exception ("Work AttributeService - ${}")

def worklogAccount = [:]

issue.workLogs.each {
    worklog ->

    def attributeValue = workAttributeValueService.getWorkAttributeValueByWorklogAndWorkAttribute(,    
    throw new Exception("Attribute value for ${} is ${}")

The loop will stop at the first exception - it unveils that following properties are available

For worklog

  • created:Mon Aug 10 07:26:37 GMT 2020,
  • startDate:Mon Aug 10 00:00:00 GMT 2020,
  • traceType:WORKLOG,
  • comment:with AN1,
  • newEstimate:null,
  • updated:Mon Aug 10 07:26:37 GMT 2020, id:10300, idStr:10300,
  • timeSpent:36000,
  • locked:false,
  • remoteId:null,
  • remoteIdStr:null,
  • roleLevel:null,
  • class:class com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubWorkLog,
  • adjustmentMode:AUTO_ADJUST,
  • adjustRemainingBy:null,
  • groupLevel:null,
  • updateAuthor:{
    • @key : admin},
    • author:{ @key : admin}]

And for attribute Account

  • billableAttribute:false,
  • workAttribute:com.tempoplugin.core.workattribute.api.WorkAttribute@ddd3ad72,
  • value:AN1,
  • class:class com.tempoplugin.core.workattribute.api.WorkAttributeValue,
  • systemType:false,
  • id:1,
  • numericAttribute:false,
  • numericValue:null,
  • worklogId:10300

You should be to decide which worklogs should be sent to the other side using this approach.

Let me know

Amr Hamza commented on 11 August 2020

Hi Francis Martens (Exalate),

Many thanks for the solution.

In the outgoing part it works now as expected. Only the billable worklogs are being sent.

Expand source

//Billable worklgs
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor

def workAttributeServiceClass       = ComponentAccessor.pluginAccessor.classLoader.findClass("com.tempoplugin.core.workattribute.api.WorkAttributeService")
def workAttributeValueServiceClass  = ComponentAccessor.pluginAccessor.classLoader.findClass("com.tempoplugin.core.workattribute.api.WorkAttributeValueService")
def workAttributeService            = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(workAttributeServiceClass)
def workAttributeValueService       = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(workAttributeValueServiceClass)

def accountAttribute = workAttributeService.getWorkAttributeByKey("_Account_").returnedValue
def worklogs = issue.workLogs
def newWorklogs = []

issue.workLogs.each {worklog ->
    def attributeValue = workAttributeValueService.getWorkAttributeValueByWorklogAndWorkAttribute(,
    if (attributeValue.value == "CUSTOMER-Bill") {

replica.workLogs            = newWorklogs

Now the question is how to set the worklog account attribute in the incoming sync rules. Thanks.



Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 11 August 2020

Ha - exercise for the reader (old community)

The core is to understand what api Tempo is providing, and then integrate it into your incoming sync script,

Let me know if this is sufficient (we got a huge increase in evaluations and answering their questions is currently priority - hope you understand)

Amr Hamza commented on 12 August 2020

The problem is that Tempo doesn’t have any publicly available Java API documentation that we can refer to. And while Adaptavist library is very helpful, it is still limited to examples and usecases. They don’t cover everything.

But no worries. I understand that you have more pressing matters.

Thanks for your support so far (old community)



Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 18 August 2020

Lets ask Tempo (old community)

Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 18 August 2020


Please vote it up

Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 29 August 2020

We could go the rest api route if that is helpful

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