How to sync attachment from the request on service now to jira

Originally asked by Yael on 03 November 2021 (original question)

I need to send attachment from service now to Jira but the files attach to the request and not to the catalog task.

I tried to use: replica.attachments = catalogTask.attachments, but it sync files that attach to the catalog task.

How can I sync it?

Answer by Andres Martynowicz on 22 February 2022

Hi Yael ,

I have been able to reproduce your issue.

Please try the following:

Incoming SNOW instance:

if(entity.tableName == "incident") {
    replica.key            = entity.key
    replica.summary        = entity.short_description
    replica.description    = entity.description
    replica.attachments    = entity.attachments
    replica.comments       = entity.comments
    replica.state          = entity.state
    Use a field"s internal name to send its value
    Example: Resolution Notes -> resolution_notes
    This works for all other entity types as well
    replica.resolution_notes = entity.resolution_notes
//any other entity can be synced using the table name and the entity variable
else if(entity.tableName == "cmdb_ci_business_app") {
    replica.key            = entity.key
    replica.summary        = entity.short_description
    replica.description    = entity.description           =
else if(entity.tableName == "sc_task") {
    replica.key            = entity.key
    replica.summary        = entity.short_description
    replica.description    = entity.description
    if (entity.request_item) {
        def await = { f -> scala.concurrent.Await$.MODULE$.result(f, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration$.MODULE$.Inf()) }
        def orNull = { opt -> opt.isDefined() ? opt.get() : null }
        def ritmId ="/").last()
        def attachments = nodeHelper.snowClient.getAttachmentsMetadata(ritmId)
        def sequenceOfAttachments = await(attachments)
        def listOfAttachmentsResults = scala.collection.JavaConverters.seqAsJavaList(sequenceOfAttachments)
        def listOfHubAttachments = listOfAttachmentsResults.collect({
            attachmentResult ->
            def a = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubAttachment()
            a.filesize = attachmentResult.size_bytes as long
   = attachmentResult.sys_id as String
            a.filename = attachmentResult.file_name as String
            a.mimetype = attachmentResult.content_type as String   

        replica.attachments = listOfHubAttachments


Yael commented on 28 February 2022


It’s work.

Thanks a lot (old community) (old community)

Answer by Andres Martynowicz on 17 February 2022

Hi Yael ,

I have been able to set up the scenario and I am still working in order to reproduce the issue.

I will provide an update as soon as I can Exalate the attachments or next Friday (24th February).

Answer by Andres Martynowicz on 14 February 2022

Hi Yael,

I am still working on this issue and try to update this thread by the end of the week.

Kind regards,


Answer by Ariel Aguilar on 05 November 2021

Have you tried:

replica.attachments    = issue.attachments

Kind regards,
