Originally asked by Andrew on 20 January 2021 (original question)
I have on-hold request from Jira SD to SN. Remote payload for hold reason field looks as below.
"11402": {
"id": 11402,
"name": "On hold reason",
"type": "OPTION",
"value": {
"id": "11870",
"sequence": 1,
"value": "Awaiting Change",
"disabled": false,
"childOptions": []
For test purpose, I’m able to save value “Awaiting Change” in SN INC description field:
incident.description = replica.customFields."11402"?.value?.value
but I cannot save it in incident.hold_reason field.
We made decision to have incident.hold_reason=“Hold from Jira” always if on hold state comes from Jira.
I have tried below option:
if (remoteStatusName == "On Hold"){
incident.hold_reason = nodeHelper.getOption("Hold from Jira")}
but got error. It seems that getOption is not available in incoming script in SN.
Additionally hold_reason field is integer type, below are values definition for hold reason in SN.
In Jira hold reason is a text field
How to solve the issue ?