Originally asked by allenhsieh on 19 October 2020 (original question)
Hi Experts,
When we are trying to sync up projects across 3 platform, we found out an error indicating that “/” are not allowed to be synchronized.
Is there any way to make it work?
Our field is called 「Component/s」, which is something Exalate can’t allow to pass thru from parent project to receiver project.
Can you help?
Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 20 October 2020
This is strange - there is no such restriction.
Can you provide more details
- Data in the component
- outgoing and incoming sync scripts
- Error raised
Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 20 October 2020
Are you referring to the components system field?
Then you can use issue.components
allenhsieh commented on 20 October 2020
Hi Francis,
The destination side uses component/s field, that’s why I raised the question in the first place.
Can “/” be sync up?
Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 20 October 2020
the name of that field is issue.components without slash
allenhsieh commented on 20 October 2020
Hi Francis,
We managed to change the field in parent project A from “Components” to “Component/s” in order to match a receiver project C’s fields.
The result was that the receiver Project C returned the error message as attached text file for your reference.
Can you please use your expertise to pin-point which directions we should go after in receiver Project C?
Error.txt (old community)
Answer by allenhsieh on 20 October 2020
Hi Francis,
That will be great if there is no such restriction!
Currently the outgoing sync script (Parent Project A)
if(issue.type.name == “MG+ Support Ticket”){
replica.customFields.“Call Type” = issue.customFields.“Call Type”
replica.customFields.“HeadOffice” = issue.customFields.“HeadOffice”
replica.customFields.“Provider” = issue.customFields.“Provider”
replica.customFields.“Component” = issue.customFields.“Component”
replica.customFields.“Communication Channel” = issue.customFields.“Communication Channel”
Incoming sync script (Receiver Project B)
if (replica.type.name == “MG+ Support Ticket”){
issue.customFields.“Call Type”.value = replica.customFields.“Call Type”.value
issue.customFields.“HeadOffice”.value = replica.customFields.“HeadOffice”.value
issue.customFields.“Provider”.value = replica.customFields.“Provider”.value
issue.customFields.“Component”.value = replica.customFields.“Component”.value
issue.customFields.“Communication Channel”.value = replica.customFields.“Communication Channel”.value
issue.customFields.“Original Assignee”.value = replica.assignee?.displayName
PS: the field “Component” was used to be named “Component/s”, yet we run into an Error saying it is not allowed during sync up process.
So you are suggesting that there is no extra needed to make the field “Component/s” syncranizable?
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