Cant set property error when attempting to sync outgoing custom field

Originally asked by ben friedman on 17 October 2020 (original question)


sorry if this is a newbie question (but i am…)

im trying to send a custom field from ZD to jira.

in the ZD out going rule, i have

replica.customeFields.β€œ360036497632” = issue.customFields.β€œ360036497632”

im seeing this error on the ZD side:

Cannot set property β€˜360036497632’ on null object

i read in the documentation and understood that set error relate to incoming connection.

is the issue on the ZD side, or Jira side?

If its on the ZD side, what is the problem? The ID for the field is correct and i also tried using the name of the field, and got the same results.

its a public connection. system fields are synced.

Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 17 October 2020

Welcome to the community

There is a typo on your statement

replica.customeFields."360036497632" = issue.customFields."360036497632"

should be

replica.customFields."360036497632" = issue.customFields."360036497632"

I’m not sure if you can spot the difference but it is in the left hand side of the assignment operator


The names of the customFields on the replica don’t need to be identical to the names of the customFields in the underlying ticket

Ie. you could also have

replica.customFields."Meaningful Name" = issue.customFields."360036497632"

Hope this helps. If it is, mark it as an answer


ben friedman commented on 17 October 2020

Francis Martens (Exalate) thank you!!

relating to the comment on the names, i do need the replica field name to be the same on the in/out going sync, right?

outgoing: replica.x = issue.A

incoming: issue.B=replica.x

Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 17 October 2020

Yes - of course.

The replica is a message being sent from A to B.
The fields created on one end can then be used on the other side