Adding a new watcher to the Jira Issue

Originally asked by Dewayne Lavelle on 06 July 2020 (original question)


I need to automatically add a new watcher to issues that have been created from Exalate. How can I do that through the rules?

e.g. issue.watchers = “username"

I also want to filter what attachments are sync’d. Is this possible using some kind of regex match?

e.g. I don’t want to sync attachments that have a specific prefix.



Answer by Dewayne Lavelle on 06 July 2020


Thanks so much for the fast reply. Will startsWith work the same as endsWith?


replica.attachments = issue.attachments.``findAll { attachment -> attachment.filename.startsWith(``"String_"``) }


André Leroy-Beaulieu Castro commented on 06 July 2020

Hi Dewayne,

Could you try this:

replica.attachments = issue.attachments.findAll { attachment ->
!(attachment.filename.startsWith("String_")) }
Dewayne Lavelle commented on 13 August 2020

Andre, if I wanted to go the other route and only accept attachments that have a specific prefix how would I do that?

Answer by André Leroy-Beaulieu Castro on 13 August 2020

Hi Dewayne,

This should work to send only the attachments where the filename is prefixed with MGC_ for example:

replica.attachments = issue.attachments.findAll { attachment ->
attachment.filename.startsWith("MGC_")) }

Let me know how this goes!



Answer by Dewayne Lavelle on 13 August 2020

Andre, If I wanted to go the other way and only accept attachments with ‘MGC_’ prefix how would I accomplish this?

Answer by Dewayne Lavelle on 06 July 2020


What about ignoring Attachments that contain a specific prefix?

Answer by Dewayne Lavelle on 06 July 2020

Actually I want to ignore attachments that match a specific prefix.

Answer by André Leroy-Beaulieu Castro on 06 July 2020

Hi Dewayne,

To set a watcher you can use the line:

Incoming Sync:

issue.watchers += nodeHelper.getUserByEmail("")

in the following link you can also see an example on how to filter attachments by it’s body and filename:



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