Add additional scripting to cloud epic sync

Originally asked by Jens Kisters on 02 September 2021 (original question)


i found this article:

How does one do additional scripting here?

I would like to filter the comments that are synced.

Judging from the default scripts i’d manipluate issue.comments before i do

issue.comments     = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica)

but how does work with the



kind regards


Answer by Michiel Meurs on 14 September 2021

Hi Jens Kisters could you please provide some more info on what you’d like to do exactly?



Jens Kisters commented on 14 September 2021

Epics will be created in Jira Software Cloud Instance A

They should be synced to Jira Software Cloud Instance B

In B they are added to sprints, filled with stories, sprints are started in finished in b

Stories should not be synced back from B to A

In B fields on the epic are edited, some internal (private) some external (should be synced)

In A and B comments are added to epics some internal, some external.

In A People want to see

  • Which Epic is in which sprint
  • When does the sprint beginn and end
  • which external comments have been written in B on the Epic

In A people should not see

  • internal comments from B
  • internal field changes from B

In B people want to see

  • which external comments have been written in A on the Epic

In B people should not see

  • internal comments from A