Synchronization of custom Field - Select List Single Choice

Originally asked by Neha Aggarwal on 29 August 2019 (original question)


In this example,
issue.customFields.“Hobby”.value = nodeHelper.getOption (issue, “Hobby”, “Running”)

This is configured for only one option “Running” but I want Whatever option I will select in source it will sync with destination.

Could you tell me the syntax for synchronization for below fields.

Example : Source Side
Field Name : Type of Support
Option Values : Project Configuration , User Management.

Destination Side:
Field Name : Type of Support
Option Values : Project Configuration , User Management, Add-On

Also what if both the options are different at source side and destination side.

Neha Aggarwal

Answer by Howard Kenny on 29 August 2019


I had a challenge in a similar scenario because the custom fields names were the same on both sides, but the options were different. I had to use ids instead of custom field names.

Below is along the lines of what I had to do. Please note that the ‘L’ is not a typo (at the end of “insert id of custom field on Destination side”)

I’m not an expert, so apologies if this wastes your time!

def typeOfSupport = [
"Project Configuration" : "Project Configuration",
"User Management" : "User Management"

// type of support sync: lookup the source type of support and set on the destination side
def SourceSupport = (replica.customFields."Type of Support"?.value?.value) as String
def desiredTypeofSupport = typeOfSupport[SourceSupport]
if (!desiredTypeofSupport) { return }

issue.customFields."insert id of custom field on Destination side".value = nodeHelper.getOption(issue, insert id of custom field on Destination sideL, desiredTeam)


Juan Grases commented on 29 August 2019

Nice answer, I wanted to make a small fix:

issue.customFields."insert id of custom field on Destination side".value = nodeHelper.getOption(issue, insert id of custom field on Destination sideL, desiredTeam)

Should actually be:

issue.customFields."insert id of custom field on Local side".value = nodeHelper.getOption(issue, insert id of custom field on Local sideL, desiredTeam)

Also I wanted to add, that in case that option values are the same on both sides you can simplify the approach by doing:

def SourceSupport = replica.customFields."Type of Support"?.value?.value
def localSourceSupport = nodeHelper.getOption(issue, insert id of custom field on Local sideL, SourceSupport)

issue.customFields."insert id of custom field on Local side".value = localSourceSupport
Howard Kenny commented on 29 August 2019

So close!

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