Resolution sync issue - Cannot get property name on null object

Originally asked by Archita Gupta on 24 September 2021 (original question)

To sync the resolution from Jira to ServiceNow, I have written below code in the incoming sync of SNOW. It was working before. However, when I retested, it gave me error in the line #9 - Cannot get property name on null object.

if(entity.tableName == "incident") {
  entity.close_notes = "Resolved in Jira"
    entity.close_code = replica.resolution
    def resolutionMap = [
        "Done" : "Solved",
        "Won't Do" : "Closed/Resolved by Requester",
        "Known Error" :  "Not Solved"
    def targetResolutionName = resolutionMap[] ?: "Solved" //issue in this line 
    entity.close_code = resolutionMap[targetResolutionName] ?: targetResolutionName //close_code is name of the field (Resolution code) in SNOW.


Ariel Aguilar commented on 24 September 2021

Hi Archita,

Is there a chance the issue that caused the error, did not have any value matching the resolutionMap? Then if the value is coming “null” you can try:

if(entity.tableName == "incident") {
  entity.close_notes = "Resolved in Jira"
    entity.close_code = replica.resolution
    def resolutionMap = [
        "Done" : "Solved",
        "Won't Do" : "Closed/Resolved by Requester",
        "Known Error" :  "Not Solved"
    def targetResolutionName = resolutionMap[replica.resolution?.name?] ?: "Solved" //***this was the only line modified***
    entity.close_code = resolutionMap[targetResolutionName] ?: targetResolutionName //close_code is name of the field (Resolution code) in SNOW.

Let me know if this works for you.

Kind regards,


Archita Gupta commented on 24 September 2021

Hi Ariel,

Thanks for your response. I added your changes and now getting below error.

'Script cannot be saved. Details: startup failed: Script408.groovy: 34: unexpected token: ? @ line 34, column 70. onMap[replica.resolution?.name?] ?: "Sol ^ 1 error ’



Archita Gupta commented on 28 September 2021


I removed the extra question mark after name and it worked.

def targetResolutionName = resolutionMap[replica.resolution?.name] ?: "Solved"   
However, this is my outgoing sync and is throwing error which is why   
state in Jira is not changing to Resolved and resolution code is not syncing  
Can you help?  
replica.resolution     = entity.close_code  
close_code is the internal name for Resolution code.

Answer by Pinky Kohsuwan on 24 September 2021

//This is the definition in the Jira instance Incoming sync connection

def remoteStatusName =

def statusMap = [“Open”:“Open”, “Work in Progress”:“In Progress”,
“Pending”:“Needs Info”, “Closed Complete”:“Resolved”,
“Resolved”: “Resolved” , “In Progress”:“In Progress”,“New”:“Open”, “On Hold”:“Needs Info”, “Canceled”:“Closed”, “Closed”:“Closed”]

if (replica.status == null || == null ||
statusMap.get( == null) {
issue.comments = commentHelper.addComment(“Remote status is unknown or cannot be mapped - can’t handle it”, issue.comments)
else if ( == “Resolved” ){
issue.resolution = nodeHelper.getResolution(“Fixed”)
else if ( == “Closed” ){
issue.resolution = nodeHelper.getResolution(“Done”)
else {


if (replica.resolution == null) {
// if the remote issue is not resolved
issue.resolution = null

if (replica.resolution != null) {
// the remote issue is resolved, but the local isn’t - look up the correct local resolution object.

def resolutionMap = [
“Solved” : “Done”,
“Closed/Resolved by Requester” : “Won’t Do”,
“Not Solved” : “Won’t Fix”
// use ‘done’ as resolution if the remote resolution is not found
def targetResolutionName = resolutionMap[] ?: “Done”

// nodeHelper.getResolution looks up the local resolution object based on the provided name
issue.resolution = nodeHelper.getResolution(targetResolutionName)