Originally asked by Harold Oconitrillo on 12 August 2022 (original question)
I want to show the replica issue status with a color. I can fetch replica.status.statusCategory.colorName, which is for example “yellow” but I have no idea how to convert that into a rich text field in Jira Cloud using Markdown.
Do you have an example how to properly make a text a specific supported color in the description field?
status.statusCategory.colorName is not even posted I see…
In the Jira API it does show up;
status": {
"self": "https://transdev-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/status/10016",
"description": "This was auto-generated by Jira Service Management during workflow import",
"iconUrl": "https://transdev-test.atlassian.net/images/icons/status_generic.gif",
"name": "Work in progress",
"id": "10016",
"statusCategory": {
"self": "https://transdev-test.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/statuscategory/4",
"id": 4,
"key": "indeterminate",
"colorName": "yellow",
"name": "In Progress"
issue.customFields. “Remote Issue URL” .value = remoteIssueUrl
issue.customFields. “remote Issue Status” = nodeHelper. toMarkDownFromHtml(“<font color=‘yellow’>is this yellow?</font>”)
issue.customFields. “Remote Issue Status”.value = “
issue.customFields.”Remote Issue URL.value = issueUrl
issue.customFields.”Remote Status Text .value = nodeHelper. toMarkDownFromHtml(“<font color=‘yellow’>is this yellow?</font>
Harold Oconitrillo commented on 12 August 2022
Can you please try as below?
if (replica.status){
issue.description = "{color:${replica.status.statusCategory.colorName}} ${replica.status.name} {color}"
What is inside ${replica.status.name} representing the actual text can be replaced by description to do something like:
if (replica.status && replica.description){
issue.description = "{color:${replica.status.statusCategory.colorName}} ${replica.description} {color}"
Feel free to contact us back for further questions.
Best regards,
Ariel Aguilar commented on 13 August 2022
Answer from client:
If you look at the payload, you’ll see that statusCategory.colorName is not present. It is part of the Jira issue API but not pushed over from Exalate I believe.
Secondly, you can easily replicate this behaviour of putting a status panel in your description on one end and you’ll see the “[ status name ]” on your target environment, instead of the status panel.
Ariel Aguilar commented on 13 August 2022
Also you can try to send the color from status while using a rest call, you can add the following into the Jira B - Outgoing sync:
Map responseJson = new JiraClient(httpClient).http(
method = "GET",
path = "/rest/api/3/issue/${issueKey.id}",
queryParams = ["fields":["status"]],
body = null,
headers = [:]
) { response ->
if (response.code >= 300 && response.code != 404) {
throw new com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException("Failed to perform the request $method $path (status ${response.code}), and body was: \n\"$response.body\"\nPlease contact Exalate Support: ".toString() + response.body)
if (response.code == 404) {
return null
def r = response.body as String
def js = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()
def rJ = js.parseText(r)
def statusColor = responseJson.fields?.status?.statusCategory?.colorName
replica.customKeys."color" = statusColor
Incoming Jira A:
issue.description = "{color:${replica.customKeys."color"}} ${replica.status.name} {color}"
Kind regards,
Patrick van der Rijst commented on 15 August 2022
The status macro is actually now pushed as a status macro. I can’t show an example here but try the Jira status macro in a description and push that to your target.