If condition for empty values

Originally asked by Rakesh Govardhan on 18 December 2019 (original question)

How to we condition if the value of the field is empty in Exalte configuration.

For example:
If (“Inspection Reason” is empty)

{ then do } Source: Jira Server/Datacenter (old community)

Answer by André Leroy-Beaulieu Castro on 18 December 2019

Hi Rakesh,

For your second part of the question:

And also one more, If( “Inspection Reason” in (“Other Inspection”,“PPAP Inspection”)) { Then}

That would look like the following:

def inspectionReason = replica.customFields."Inspection Reason"?.value
if (inspectionReason == "Other Inspection" || inspectionReason == "PPAP Inspection") {
	//Then do

Best regards,


Answer by Juan Grases on 18 December 2019


Normally you want to check if you are checking something from the other side, you might do something like:

if(replica.customFields."Inspection Reason"?.value == null){
  //Then do
//or equivalent:
if(!replica.customFields."Inspection Reason"?.value){
  //Then do