How to set up notification if we have 3 Jira platforms using Exalate

Originally asked by allenhsieh on 15 October 2020 (original question)

Hi Guys,
Right now, we are using Exalate to sync up 3 different Jira platforms across 2 countries. Just like to seed out advise that if a parent project sync up to only one receiver project, the ticket is updated by coworkers in receiver project.
How does the notification logic apply here?

Does both side of projects will receive such notification?
Because Jira itself will only notify coworkers in its domain, not the other company’s.

Just like to know when you have multiple projects across companies, how to make them be notified at the same time?

Thank you in advance as always!

Answer by Ariel Aguilar on 29 November 2021

Hi there,

The only documentation I can suggest is:

If it’s not sufficient, you might want to open a product improvement/suggestion.

Kine regards,


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