Hi, in the incoming script I want to create a new issue and move the sync to this issue .
what is the commands to do it ? where i can find example?
I try with nodeHelper.createComponent this but is not help?
I have a scenario of syncing one site to many sites.
My problem is that when one of the sites write comment I need the incoming script to create a new issue so the other sites do not see the comments of the site who asked a question. and I will able to communicate with him one to one
In my scenario, I have one organization working with a number of organizations.
I use Jira and Confluence to notify my customers about issues
Some of the issues I create on my Jira are duplicated and synced to all customers’ Jiras. (one to many)
Keeping the privacy and separation between the Jira organizations is important to me.
Whenever one of them updates or comments on the sync issue, it will sync to me (that’s good, I need to see it),
The response to the comment I send will be synced to all the organizations and not just the one who made the comment.
This is why I want to create a new issue if someone replies to me.
So you want to create a new issue in your Jira project when someone writes a comment on an existing issue?
Also, what kind of comment is it, does it need to create an issue on every comment that has been sent?
You want an extra issue just to use the comments to go back and forward without anyone else seeing these comments?