How to access to which Groups Request Type belongs to

Originally asked by Vojtěch Veselý on 10 October 2023 (original question)

Hello there,

I need to get IDs of Groups to which Request from JSM belongs to. Typically from REST API I could just access the field “Request Type” which has the “groupIds” property. Below is an example how the “Request Type” field looks returned from a REST API.

    "customfield_10010": {
        "_links": {},
        "requestType": {
            "_expands": [
            "id": "166",
            "_links": {},
            "name": "Other",
            "description": "",
            "helpText": "",
            "issueTypeId": "10003",
            "serviceDeskId": "1",
            "portalId": "1",
            "groupIds": [
            "icon": {}
        "currentStatus": {
            "status": "Waiting for support",
            "statusCategory": "INDETERMINATE",
            "statusDate": {
                "iso8601": "2023-10-09T11:24:33+0000",
                "jira": "2023-10-09T11:24:33.295+0000",
                "friendly": "Yesterday 11:24 AM",
                "epochMillis": 1696850673295

As you can see to access groupIds I would just simply use path customfield_10010.requestType.groupIds.

How do I achieve that in the outgoing sync script? Tried:

issue.customFields.“Request Type”.requestType.groupIds

issue.customFields.“Request Type”.value.requestType.groupIds

issue.customFields.“Request Type”.value - this returned null/null for some reason even though the script ran on a Request


Answer by Tomas Eduardo Lalanne on 13 October 2023

Hi Vojtěch Veselý!

After some research, we found a way to bring the groupIds.

def request = new JiraClient(httpClient)
                        ["Accept": ["application/json"], "Content-type" : ["application/json"]]
        response ->
        if (response.code >= 400)
            throw new com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException("Failed")
            (new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()).parseText(response.body)
def groupIds = request.fields.customfield_10010.requestType.groupIds
replica.customKeys."Group IDS" = groupIds

Add this to your Outgoing Script, and it should work to retrieve the groupIds as per your example and be able to send it.


Tomas Lalanne

Answer by Vojtěch Veselý on 10 October 2023

The issue.“Request Type” doesn’t have the “groupIds” property either. IT has just:
[serviceDeskProjectKey, class, requestTypeKey, serviceDeskProjectName, serviceDeskId, representationValue, requestTypeName, requestTypeId, portalKey]