Github label cannot be set by Jira issue type and vice versa

Originally asked by Thorsten on 13 October 2023 (original question)


I’m trying to set labels in GitHub depending on Jira issue type and vice versa, but don’t know where my mistake is.

Here is the code I tried it with:

GitHub Incomming

def typeMapping = ["Bug":"bug",

  def remoteTypeName =
  issue.labels == nodeHelper.getLabel(typeMapping[remoteTypeName])

I also tried like this:

GitHub Incomming

  if ( == "Bug") { issue.labels += nodeHelper.getLabel("bug") }
  if ( == "Story") { issue.labels += nodeHelper.getLabel("enhancement") }
  if ( == "Support") { issue.labels += nodeHelper.getLabel("question") }

I tried the same thing in Jira, except that I want to set the issue type based on the label.

Jira Incomming

def typeMapping = ["bug":"Bug",
   def remoteTypeName = replica.labels

Can someone tell me where my mistake is or how to solve it?

I would be very grateful for your answers and tips.

Best regards,


Answer by Mathieu Lepoutre on 16 October 2023

Hi Thorsten,

The issue is ‘labels’ is an array and not a string. Therefore, using the entire ‘labels’ array to map and set ‘issue.typeName’ won’t work as expected

Please try this in Jira incoming sync:

   replica.labels.each {
      def mappedTypeName = typeMapping[it.label]
      if (mappedTypeName) {
         issue.typeName = mappedTypeName

This will set the issue type in Jira base on the first matching label it finds in the GitHub issue.

For the Github query, please try this in Github incoming:

  def remoteTypeName =
  issue.labels += nodeHelper.getLabel(typeMapping[remoteTypeName])

This will add a label to the GitHub issue based on the issue type from Jira.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Mathieu Lepoutre

Answer by Thorsten on 17 October 2023

Hi Mathieu Lepoutre ,

I solved the issue with unlabeled Github tickets in the trigger, so that these tickets are not synchronized as long as they do not have a label. The only thing that remains is the point of changing the label/type of an existing issue, I don’t have an idea here yet.

Best regards,



Mathieu Lepoutre commented on 18 October 2023

Do you want the issue to change types aswell when you change the github label? If yes, please put the above code outside of the firstSync codeblock.

Thorsten commented on 20 October 2023

Mathieu Lepoutre , I tried it outside the firstSync block but it’s not working:

Jira Incoming

def typeMapping = ["bug":"Bug",

   issue.projectKey   = "EGTS"

replica.labels.each {
      def mappedTypeName = typeMapping[it.label]
      if (mappedTypeName) {
         issue.typeName = mappedTypeName
Thorsten commented on 20 October 2023

On GitHub side, the label is added on the GitHub page which is also not correct.

GitHub Incoming

def typeMapping = ["Bug":"bug",

  issue.repository   = "exalate-test"
def remoteTypeName =
issue.labels += nodeHelper.getLabel(typeMapping[remoteTypeName])

When I change the operator the label doesn’t change.

issue.labels == nodeHelper.getLabel(typeMapping[remoteTypeName])
Mathieu Lepoutre commented on 26 October 2023

Hi Thorsten

To transform Jira issue types into labels for Github:

I have added my entire incoming code.

Please let me know how it goes;

issue.repository   = "mathieulepoutrebelgium/Exalate"
def labelsMap = [
    "Bug": ["bug"],
    "Support": ["question"],
    "Story": ["enhancement"],
    "Epic": ["epic"]
def labelsToAdd = labelsMap[]
if (labelsToAdd) {
    issue.labels = issue.labels.findAll { label -> labelsToAdd.contains(label) }
    issue.labels += labelsToAdd.collect { nodeHelper.getLabel(it) }

issue.summary      = replica.summary
issue.description  = replica.description
issue.comments     = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica)
Mathieu Lepoutre commented on 26 October 2023

For Jira. It doesn’t look like you can change issueTypes after creation, we can use jira-automation for it.

Thorsten commented on 27 October 2023

Mathieu Lepoutre ,

thanks for the code. It works to swap the GitHub label when I change the issue type in Jira. (old community)

I’m just wondering why it shouldn’t work the other way around, because it also works without jira-automation in ADO <-> Jira, for example. The statuses are mapped directly here, but in principle this shouldn’t make any difference.



Mathieu Lepoutre commented on 21 November 2023

Hi Thorsten

With HttpClient we can change the issueTypes after creation, with Exalate.

Check this code out;

// Gets issueTypes in project
def list = httpClient.get("/rest/api/3/project/${issue.projectKey}")?.issueTypes
def issueTypeIdMap = [:]

for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){
    // Create a Type map with right Id's dynamically from rest API, gets every issueType with id from the projectKey
   issueTypeIdMap[list?.name[i]] = list?.id[i]

def type = replica.customFields."Demo"?.value
String domain = "/rest/api/3/issue/${issue.key}/"
String data = "{\"fields\":{\"issuetype\":{\"id\":${issueTypeIdMap[type]}}}}"

httpClient.put(domain, data)

Now we just have to insert it after the previous code I shared, and then it will work to change issue Types after creation.

Thanks Christophe De Beule

Answer by Thorsten on 16 October 2023

Hi Mathieu Lepoutre ,

I tested your suggestion and it works if the label/issue type is set during creation. But it doesn’t work if I need to change the type/label after the creation. What I didn’t consider on Github is that tickets can be created here without a label and that they will only be given the correct label later. Is there perhaps a way to do this?

Best regards,


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