Maximillian Thomas Nadolny commented on 18 October 2021
Hi Andrii
thanks for the update. I’m afraid that won’t work for my use case or need. I may have to elaborate a little more.
As you are aware from previous tickets (EASE-10863) we have to separate and distinct Jira On-Prem Instances connected via VPN.
Both instances contain the same users but with different account IDs. As an example my account on one side is nado on the remote side is max.nadolny. But the Full Names are the same
For the impersonation of a user it works fine with the code snippet on both sides in the incoming sync. I suppose since I am receiving a User Object from which I can get the → Full Name which again can be found in either instance.
Which is this snippet → Incoming Sync
{ it.executor = nodeHelper.getUserByFullName( }
{ it.executor = nodeHelper.getUserByFullName(it.updateAuthor.displayName) }
issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica,
Now for the mention sanitation I had no such luck. What I want is:
-I explicitly want to receive notifications for the user on both instances
-Meaning a mention set on side A should produce a notification on system A get synced and produce a notification on system B and the other way round.
The problem is a mention looks something like this i.e. [~nado] and on the other side would have to look like this [~max.nadolny] and the same thing in the other direction.
To enable this I use this script snippet outgoing where I process al mentions and convert the account name into the full name:
replica.comments = issue.comments.collect {
comment ->
def matcher \= comment.body \=\~ /\\\[\~(\\w\+)\\]/ //different reg ex on each side → different account name formats
def newCommentBody \= comment.body
matcher.each {
target \= nodeHelper.getUser(it\[1])?.displayName ?: \[1]
targetTarget \= "{$target}"
newCommentBody \= newCommentBody.replace(it\[0], targetTarget)
comment.body \= newCommentBody
on the receiving side I use this script snippet to format the body again and search for all Full Names and convert them back to the respective account name of the Jira Instance.
def mentionFormat = replica.comments.collect {
comment ->
def matcher \= comment.body \=\~ /\\{(\[^\\}]\*)\\}/
def newCommentBody \= comment.body
matcher.each {
target \= nodeHelper.getUserByFullName(it\[1])?.username ?: it\[1]
targetTarget \= "\[\~$target]"
newCommentBody \= newCommentBody.replace(it\[0],targetTarget)
comment.body \= newCommentBody
Now since you have suggested to make all the changes in the outgoing script I am absolutely sure it can’t work since system A has no idea of the users account names in system B and the other way round plus different as in the snippets I sent you are sanitizing the comments to something like this i.e. my account again as example in the comment body [~nado] bla bla bla becomes Max Nadolny bla bla bla which is not what I intended.
So what I really need is that these two work together →
{ it.executor = nodeHelper.getUserByFullName( }
{ it.executor = nodeHelper.getUserByFullName(it.updateAuthor.displayName) }
issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica,
def mentionFormat = replica.comments.collect {
comment ->
def matcher \= comment.body \=\~ /\\{(\[^\\}]\*)\\}/
def newCommentBody \= comment.body
matcher.each {
target \= nodeHelper.getUserByFullName(it\[1])?.username ?: it\[1]
targetTarget \= "\[\~$target]"
newCommentBody \= newCommentBody.replace(it\[0],targetTarget)
comment.body \= newCommentBody
As i have seen in some examples it should be able to get both to work within this function but I may be wrong:
issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica, {it})
Cheers and thank you ever so much for your effort and I am looking forward to your reply.