Avoid updating issue with older changes ADO <> Jira, Jira <> Jira, ServiceNow <> Jira, ZenDesk <> Jira

Originally asked by Serhiy Onyshchenko on 02 June 2022 (original question)

As in summary, if two updates happen around the same time in ADO (let’s say, description is updated) and Jira (let’s same summary is updated) I want Exalate to make sure that both sides have the latest summary and latest description.
I also want to make it that if description is modified on Jira first and a couple of seconds after that it is modified on ADO, both sides see the description from ADO. And visa-versa: if description is modified on ADO first and then in a couple of seconds, it is modified on Jira, I want both sides to see description from Jira.

Answer by Serhiy Onyshchenko on 03 June 2022

Hello there!
One way to achieve that would be to use the changeHistory available on Jira and ADO to know, which side modified which field, when to be able to compare them and choose the latest version (either accept the change on the field or reject it).
Here’s a video of how it works if configured properly:

And here’s the (full) configuration used for this video:

Jira ADO
​Out replica.key = issue.key replica.type = issue.type replica.assignee = issue.assignee replica.reporter = issue.reporter replica.summary = issue.summary replica.description = issue.description replica.labels = issue.labels replica.comments = issue.comments replica.resolution = issue.resolution replica.status = issue.status replica.parentId = issue.parentId replica.priority = issue.priority replica.attachments = issue.attachments replica.project = issue.project //Comment these lines out if you are interested in sending the full list of versions and components of the source project. replica.project.versions = [] replica.project.components = [] // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ADO <> Jira replica.changeHistory = issue.changeHistory replica.key = workItem.key replica.assignee = workItem.assignee replica.summary = workItem.summary replica.description = nodeHelper.stripHtml(workItem.description) replica.type = workItem.type replica.status = workItem.status replica.labels = workItem.labels replica.priority = workItem.priority replica.comments = nodeHelper.stripHtmlFromComments(workItem.comments) replica.attachments = workItem.attachments replica.project = workItem.project replica.areaPath = workItem.areaPath replica.iterationPath = workItem.iterationPath // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ADO <> Jira def await = { f -> scala.concurrent.Await$.MODULE$.result(f, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.apply(1, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES)) } def creds = await(httpClient.azureClient.getCredentials()) def token = creds.accessToken() def baseUrl = creds.issueTrackerUrl() def project = workItem.projectKey ?: connection.trackerSettings.fieldValues."project" def result = await(httpClient.azureClient.ws .url(baseUrl+"/${project}/_apis/wit/workItems/${workItem.id}/updates?api-version=5.0") .withAuth(token, token, play.api.libs.ws.WSAuthScheme$BASIC$.MODULE$) .withMethod("GET") .execute()) String body = result.body() def js = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper() def dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'")//"2021-10-05T12:33:10.7Z" def noMsDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")//"2021-10-05T12:33:10.7Z" def json = js.parseText(body) workItem.changeHistory = json.value.inject([] as List<com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory>) { _res, hJson -> if (hJson.fields?."System.RevisedDate"?.oldValue) { def author = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubUser() author.key=hJson.revisedBy.id author.active=true def _emailMatcher = hJson.revisedBy.name =~ /<([^@]+@[^>+])>/ author.email= _emailMatcher.size() > 0 ? _emailMatcher.iterator().next()[1] : null author.displayName = hJson.revisedBy.displayName author.username = hJson.revisedBy.uniqueName def date = ({ dStr -> if (dStr == null) return null try { dateFormat.parse(dStr) } catch (e1) { noMsDateFormat.parse(dStr) } })(hJson.fields?."System.RevisedDate"?.oldValue) def timestamp = date == null ? null : new java.sql.Timestamp(date.time) def changeItems = hJson.fields?.inject([] as List<com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeItem>) { r, k, v -> def ci = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeItem(v.oldValue as String, v.oldValue as String, v.newValue as String, v.newValue as String, k, "system") r += ci r } ?: [] _res += new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory(hJson.id as Long, author, timestamp, changeItems) } _res } def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history -> history .sort { c -> c.created.time } .reverse() .findAll { c -> c.author.key != exalateUserKey } .inject([:]) { _result, c -> c.changeItems.inject(_result) { r, i -> String k = i.field if (r[k] == null) { r[k] = c.created } r } } }} replica.customKeys."fieldToLastUpdateDate" = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(workItem.changeHistory)
In if(firstSync){ issue.projectKey = "DEV" // Set type name from source issue, if not found set a default issue.typeName = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.type?.name, issue.projectKey)?.name ?: "Task" } issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica) issue.attachments = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica) issue.labels = replica.labels // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ADO <> Jira def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history -> history .sort { c -> c.created.time } .reverse() .findAll { c -> c.author.key != exalateUserKey } .inject([:]) { result, c -> c.changeItems.inject(result) { r, i -> String k = i.field if (r[k] == null) { r[k] = c.created } r } } }} if (firstSync) { issue.summary = replica.summary issue.description = replica.description } else { def HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60 def THREE_HOURS = 3 * HOUR def remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = replica.customKeys."fieldToLastUpdateDate" remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v -> r[k] = new Date((v + THREE_HOURS) as Long) r } def localFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(issue.changeHistory) if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."System.Description" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."description") { issue.description = replica.description } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."System.Title" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."summary") { issue.summary = replica.summary } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."Severity" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."Severity") { issue.Severity = replica.Severity } } workItem.labels = replica.labels workItem.priority = replica.priority if(firstSync){ // Set type name from source entity, if not found set a default workItem.typeName = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.type?.name)?.name ?: "Task"; } workItem.attachments = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(workItem, replica) workItem.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(workItem, replica) // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ADO <> Jira if (firstSync) { workItem.summary = replica.summary workItem.description = replica.description } else { def await = { f -> scala.concurrent.Await$.MODULE$.result(f, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.apply(1, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES)) } def creds = await(httpClient.azureClient.getCredentials()) def token = creds.accessToken() def baseUrl = creds.issueTrackerUrl() def project = workItem.projectKey ?: connection.trackerSettings.fieldValues."project" def result = await(httpClient.azureClient.ws .url(baseUrl+"/${project}/_apis/wit/workItems/${workItem.id}/updates?api-version=5.0") .withAuth(token, token, play.api.libs.ws.WSAuthScheme$BASIC$.MODULE$) .withMethod("GET") .execute()) String body = result.body() def js = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper() def dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'")//"2021-10-05T12:33:10.7Z" def noMsDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")//"2021-10-05T12:33:10Z" def json = js.parseText(body) workItem.changeHistory = json.value.inject([] as List<com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory>) { _res, hJson -> if (hJson.fields?."System.RevisedDate"?.oldValue) { def author = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubUser() author.key=hJson.revisedBy.id author.active=true def _emailMatcher = hJson.revisedBy.name =~ /<([^@]+@[^>+])>/ author.email= _emailMatcher.size() > 0 ? _emailMatcher.iterator().next()[1] : null author.displayName = hJson.revisedBy.displayName author.username = hJson.revisedBy.uniqueName def date = ({ dStr -> if (dStr == null) return null try { dateFormat.parse(dStr) } catch (e1) { noMsDateFormat.parse(dStr) } })(hJson.fields?."System.RevisedDate"?.oldValue) def timestamp = date == null ? null : new java.sql.Timestamp(date.time) def changeItems = hJson.fields?.inject([] as List<com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeItem>) { r, k, v -> def ci = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeItem(v.oldValue as String, v.oldValue as String, v.newValue as String, v.newValue as String, k, "system") r += ci r } ?: [] _res += new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory(hJson.id as Long, author, timestamp, changeItems) } _res } def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history -> history .sort { c -> c.created.time } .reverse() .findAll { c -> c.author.key != exalateUserKey } .inject([:]) { _result, c -> c.changeItems.inject(_result) { r, i -> String k = i.field if (r[k] == null) { r[k] = c.created } r } } }} def HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60 def THREE_HOURS = 3 * HOUR def remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(replica.changeHistory) def localFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(workItem.changeHistory) localFieldToLastUpdateDate = localFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v -> r[k] = new Date(v.time + THREE_HOURS) r } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."description" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."System.Description") { workItem.description = replica.description } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."summary" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."System.Title") { issue.summary = replica.summary } }

Let’s dive into the details to figure out how to adapt this and add other fields to this conflict handling script.

Sending change history

If we look closer to the outgoing scripts on both ends:

Jira ADO
Out // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ADO <> Jira replica.changeHistory = issue.changeHistory ... // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ADO <> Jira ... def result = await(... .url(baseUrl+"/${project}/_apis/wit/workItems/${workItem.id}/updates?api-version=5.0") ... .withMethod("GET") ...) ... workItem.changeHistory = ... def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history -> ... }} replica.customKeys."fieldToLastUpdateDate" = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(workItem.changeHistory)

we calculate the issue.changeHistory and workItem.changeHistory
On Jira it comes pretty much out of the box

On ADO it’s a bit more complicated:

  1. we make a REST API request to ADO:
    GET /${project}/_apis/wit/workItems/${workItem.id}/updates?api-version=5.0
  2. results of which we convert into workItem.changeHistory
  3. and then we use the fieldToLastUpdateDateFn to convert the change history into a simplified version of the change history
  4. send simplified version of change history from ADO to Jira in a custom key called replica.customKeys.“fieldToLastUpdateDate”

Using the remote change history when receiving changes

So the most important part of the entire configuration here is that instead of doing

Jira ADO
​In ... issue.summary = replica.summary issue.description = replica.description ... ... workItem.summary = replica.summary workItem.description = replica.description ...

we do a more sophisticated check for change histories

Jira ADO
​In // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ADO <> Jira ... if (firstSync) { issue.summary = replica.summary issue.description = replica.description } else { ... if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."System.Description" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."description") { issue.description = replica.description } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."System.Title" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."summary") { issue.summary = replica.summary } } // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ADO <> Jira if (firstSync) { workItem.summary = replica.summary workItem.description = replica.description } else { ... if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."description" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."System.Description") { workItem.description = replica.description } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."summary" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."System.Title") { issue.summary = replica.summary } }

Note, how we read the names of fields from the history records of ADO “System.Description” for description and “System.Title” for summary.

please, also note that if you wanted to add conflict handling for other fields, like status, you’d need to make the following replacements:

Jira ADO
​In ...def statusMapping = [ "To Do":"Open", "Doing" : "In Progress", "Done" : "Closed" ]issue.setStatus(statusMapping[replica.status.name]) ... def statusMapping = [ "Open":"To Do", "In Progress" : "Doing", "Closed" : "Done" ] workItem.setStatus(statusMapping[replica.status.name])

would be replaced with

Jira ADO
​In ...def statusMapping = [ "To Do":"Open", "Doing" : "In Progress", "Done" : "Closed" ]if (firstSync) { ... issue.setStatus(statusMapping[replica.status.name]) } else { ... if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."System.State" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."status") { issue.setStatus(statusMapping[replica.status.name]) } } ... def statusMapping = [ "Open":"To Do", "In Progress" : "Doing", "Closed" : "Done" ] if (firstSync) { ... issue.setStatus(statusMapping[replica.status.name]) } else { ... if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."status" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."System.State") { workItem.setStatus(statusMapping[replica.status.name]) } }

A note about time

In my environments, there’s a 3h difference between how Jira Cloud and ADO report changeHistory dates:

in Jira Cloud all the dates seem to be matching my Jira’s time zone (EEST), while ADO reports everything in UTC.

So if I make changes on Jira at 12 AM GMT and in ADO at 12:00:02 AM GMT (2 seconds apart from one-another ) Jira would report 3:00:00 and ADO 0:00:02

To accomodate for that, I made it that the incoming scripts add 3 hours to ADO:

Jira ADO
​In // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ADO <> Jira ... if (firstSync) { ... } else { def HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60 def THREE_HOURS = 3 * HOUR def remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = replica.customKeys."fieldToLastUpdateDate" remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v -> r[k] = new Date((v + THREE_HOURS) as Long) r } ... } // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ADO <> Jira if (firstSync) { ... } else { ... def HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60 def THREE_HOURS = 3 * HOUR ... def localFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(workItem.changeHistory) localFieldToLastUpdateDate = localFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v -> r[k] = new Date(v.time + THREE_HOURS) r } ... }

Let me know if you don’t find a way to handle conflicts for some fields.
Happy Exalating!

Answer by Serhiy Onyshchenko on 04 August 2022

Some notes for Servicenow:

​Out def result = httpClient .http( "GET", "/api/now/v2/table/sys_audit", null, //"""{"field":"value"}""", ["sysparm_query" : ["documentkey=${entity.sys_id}".toString()]], ["Accept":["application/json"]]) { request, response -> if (response.code == 200) { def body = response.body //def js = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper() //def json = js.parseText(body) //json body } else throw new Exception("Failed with ${response.code} and body: ${response.body}") } def dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'")//2022-07-13 15:16:02 def noMsDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")//2022-07-13 15:16:02 entity.changeHistory = result.result.inject([] as List<com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory>) { _res, hJson -> if (hJson.sys_created_on) { def author = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubUser() author.key = hJson.user def date = ({ dStr -> if (dStr == null) return null try { noMsDateFormat.parse(dStr) } catch (e1) { dateFormat.parse(dStr) } })(hJson?.sys_created_on) def timestamp = date == null ? null : new java.sql.Timestamp(date.time) def changeItems = [ new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeItem(hJson.oldvalue as String, hJson.oldvalue as String, hJson.newvalue as String, hJson.newvalue as String, hJson.fieldname, "system") ] _res += new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory(-1, author, timestamp, changeItems) } _res } def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history -> history .sort { c -> c.created.time } .reverse() .findAll { c -> c.author.key != exalateUserKey } .inject([:]) { _result, c -> c.changeItems.inject(_result) { r, i -> String k = i.field if (r[k] == null) { r[k] = c.created } r } } }} replica.customKeys."fieldToLastUpdateDate" = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(entity.changeHistory)
In def result = httpClient .http( "GET", "/api/now/v2/table/sys_audit", null, //"""{"field":"value"}""", ["sysparm_query" : ["documentkey=${entity.sys_id}".toString()]], ["Accept":["application/json"]]) { request, response -> if (response.code == 200) { def body = response.body //def js = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper() //def json = js.parseText(body) //json body } else throw new Exception("Failed with ${response.code} and body: ${response.body}") } def dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'")//2022-07-13 15:16:02 def noMsDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")//2022-07-13 15:16:02 entity.changeHistory = result.result.inject([] as List<com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory>) { _res, hJson -> if (hJson.sys_created_on) { def author = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubUser() author.key = hJson.user def date = ({ dStr -> if (dStr == null) return null try { noMsDateFormat.parse(dStr) } catch (e1) { dateFormat.parse(dStr) } })(hJson?.sys_created_on) def timestamp = date == null ? null : new java.sql.Timestamp(date.time) def changeItems = [ new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeItem(hJson.oldvalue as String, hJson.oldvalue as String, hJson.newvalue as String, hJson.newvalue as String, hJson.fieldname, "system") ] _res += new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory(-1, author, timestamp, changeItems) } _res } def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history -> history .sort { c -> c.created.time } .reverse() .findAll { c -> c.author.key != exalateUserKey } .inject([:]) { _result, c -> c.changeItems.inject(_result) { r, i -> String k = i.field if (r[k] == null) { r[k] = c.created } r } } }} def HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60 def THREE_HOURS = 0 * HOUR def remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(replica.changeHistory) def localFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(entity.changeHistory) localFieldToLastUpdateDate = localFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v -> r[k] = new Date(v.time + THREE_HOURS) r } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."description" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."description") { entity.description = replica.description } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."summary" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."short_description") { issue.summary = replica.summary } }

Answer by Serhiy Onyshchenko on 28 September 2022

For Jira <> Jira:

Jira A Jira B
​Out replica.key = issue.key replica.type = issue.type replica.assignee = issue.assignee replica.reporter = issue.reporter replica.summary = issue.summary replica.description = issue.description replica.labels = issue.labels replica.comments = issue.comments replica.resolution = issue.resolution replica.status = issue.status replica.parentId = issue.parentId replica.priority = issue.priority replica.attachments = issue.attachments replica.project = issue.project //Comment these lines out if you are interested in sending the full list of versions and components of the source project. replica.project.versions = [] replica.project.components = [] replica.customFields.Severity = issue.customFields.Severity // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes Jira <> Jira replica.changeHistory = issue.changeHistory replica.key = issue.key replica.type = issue.type replica.assignee = issue.assignee replica.reporter = issue.reporter replica.summary = issue.summary replica.description = issue.description replica.labels = issue.labels replica.comments = issue.comments replica.resolution = issue.resolution replica.status = issue.status replica.parentId = issue.parentId replica.priority = issue.priority replica.attachments = issue.attachments replica.project = issue.project //Comment these lines out if you are interested in sending the full list of versions and components of the source project. replica.project.versions = [] replica.project.components = [] replica.customFields.Severity = issue.customFields.Severity // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes Jira <> Jira replica.changeHistory = issue.changeHistory
In if(firstSync){ issue.projectKey = "DEV" // Set type name from source issue, if not found set a default issue.typeName = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.type?.name, issue.projectKey)?.name ?: "Task" } issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica) issue.attachments = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica) issue.labels = replica.labels // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes Jira <> Jira def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history -> history .sort { c -> c.created.time } .reverse() .findAll { c -> c.author.key != exalateUserKey } .inject([:]) { result, c -> c.changeItems.inject(result) { r, i -> String k = i.field if (r[k] == null) { r[k] = c.created } r } } }} if (firstSync) { issue.summary = replica.summary issue.description = replica.description } else { def HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60 def THREE_HOURS = 3 * HOUR def remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(replica.changeHistory) remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v -> r[k] = new Date((v + THREE_HOURS) as Long) r } def localFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(issue.changeHistory) if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."description" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."description") { issue.description = replica.description } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."summary" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."summary") { issue.summary = replica.summary } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."Severity" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."Severity") { issue.Severity = replica.Severity } } if(firstSync){ issue.projectKey = "DEV" // Set type name from source issue, if not found set a default issue.typeName = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.type?.name, issue.projectKey)?.name ?: "Task" } issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica) issue.attachments = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica) issue.labels = replica.labels // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes Jira <> Jira def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history -> history .sort { c -> c.created.time } .reverse() .findAll { c -> c.author.key != exalateUserKey } .inject([:]) { result, c -> c.changeItems.inject(result) { r, i -> String k = i.field if (r[k] == null) { r[k] = c.created } r } } }} if (firstSync) { issue.summary = replica.summary issue.description = replica.description } else { def HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60 def THREE_HOURS = 3 * HOUR def remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(replica.changeHistory) remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v -> r[k] = new Date((v - THREE_HOURS) as Long) r } def localFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("exalate")(issue.changeHistory) if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."description" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."description") { issue.description = replica.description } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."summary" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."summary") { issue.summary = replica.summary } if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."Severity" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."Severity") { issue.Severity = replica.Severity } }

A note about time

In my environments, there’s a 3h difference between how Jira A and Jira report changeHistory dates:

in Jira A all the dates seem to be matching my Jira’s time zone (EEST), while Jira B reports everything in UTC.

So if I make changes on Jira A at 12 AM GMT and in Jira B at 12:00:02 AM GMT (2 seconds apart from one-another ) Jira would report 3:00:00 and ADO 0:00:02

To accomodate for that, I made it that the incoming scripts add 3 hours to Jira A and subtracts them for Jira B:

To accomodate for that, I made it that the incoming scripts add 3 hours to ADO:

Jira A Jira B
​In // Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes Jira <> Jira``...``if (firstSync) {``...``} else {``def HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60``def THREE_HOURS = 3 * HOUR``def remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = replica.customKeys.``"fieldToLastUpdateDate"``remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v -> r[k] = new Date((v + THREE_HOURS) as Long)``r``}``...``}

Let me know if you don’t find a way to handle conflicts for some fields.

Regards, Serhiy

Answer by Oleksandra Honcharenko on 22 July 2022

In the new version(Exalate v. 5.4.0 (Core v. 5.4.4)) this code line stop working for ADO and it couldn’t find the project:

def project = connection.trackerSettings.fieldValues."project"

So I solved this just by changing the code above with this:

def project = workItem.projectKey


Serhiy Onyshchenko commented on 02 August 2022

Thank you very much for contributing, Oleksandra Honcharenko ,

scripts updated!

Answer by Serhiy Onyshchenko on 03 May 2024

Hello there,
Here’s a script for

ZenDesk <> Jira

conflict handling

ZD Out

replica.key          = issue.key
replica.assignee     = issue.assignee
replica.reporter     = issue.reporter
replica.summary      = issue.summary
replica.description  = issue.description
replica.type         = issue.type
replica.labels       = issue.labels
replica.attachments  = issue.attachments
replica.comments     = issue.comments
replica.status       = issue.status

// Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ZD <> *
def allAudits = []
def getPage = { String nextPageUrl ->
        // .http(
        //     "GET",
        //     "/api/v2/tickets/${ticket.id.toString()}/audits".toString(),
        // )
boolean isLastPage = false
String nextPageUrlStr = "/api/v2/tickets/${ticket.id.toString()}/audits".toString()
    def result = getPage(nextPageUrlStr)
    if(result.audits && result.audits.size() > 0) {
    isLastPage = result.next_page == null
    nextPageUrlStr = result.next_page
// we collected all audits in one list: allAudits

def noMsDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")//"2021-10-05T12:33:10Z"
ticket.changeHistory = allAudits
    .inject([] as List<com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory>) { _res, hJson ->
        def author = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubUser()
        author.key = hJson.author_id
        author.active = true
        // def _emailMatcher = hJson.revisedBy.name =~ /<([^@]+@[^>+])>/
        // author.email= _emailMatcher.size() > 0 ? _emailMatcher.iterator().next()[1] : null
        // author.displayName = hJson.revisedBy.displayName
        // author.username = hJson.revisedBy.uniqueName
        def date = ({ dStr ->
            if (dStr == null) return null
            try { noMsDateFormat.parse(dStr) }
            catch (e1) { return null }
        def timestamp = date == null ? null : new java.sql.Timestamp(date.time)
        def changeItems = hJson
            ?.findAll { event -> ["Create", "Change"].any { it.equals(event.type) } }
            ?.inject([] as List<com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeItem>) { r, v ->
                def ci = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeItem(
                    v.previous_value as String,
                    v.previous_value as String,
                    v.value as String,
                    v.value as String,
                    ("\\d+".matches(v.field_name) ?
                        "custom" :
                r += ci
            } ?: []
        _res += new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory(
            hJson.id as Long, 
def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history ->
            .sort { c -> c.created.time }
            .findAll { c ->
                c.author.key != exalateUserKey
            .inject([:]) { _result, c ->
                c.changeItems.inject(_result) { r, i ->
                    String k = i.field
                    if (r[k] == null) {
                        r[k] = c.created
replica.customKeys."fieldToLastUpdateDate" = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("377510125653")(ticket.changeHistory)// END: Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ZD <> *

Note, the changes made by Exalate proxy user are ignored:

377510125653 - the exalate proxy user's id in this Zendesk instance


// Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ZD <> *
def allAudits = []
def getPage = { String nextPageUrl ->
        // .http(
        //     "GET",
        //     "/api/v2/tickets/${ticket.id.toString()}/audits".toString(),
        // )
boolean isLastPage = false
String nextPageUrlStr = "/api/v2/tickets/${ticket.id.toString()}/audits".toString()
    def result = getPage(nextPageUrlStr)
    if(result.audits && result.audits.size() > 0) {
    isLastPage = result.next_page == null
    nextPageUrlStr = result.next_page
// we collected all audits in one list: allAudits

def noMsDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")//"2021-10-05T12:33:10Z"
ticket.changeHistory = allAudits
    .inject([] as List<com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory>) { _res, hJson ->
        def author = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubUser()
        author.key = hJson.author_id
        author.active = true
        // def _emailMatcher = hJson.revisedBy.name =~ /<([^@]+@[^>+])>/
        // author.email= _emailMatcher.size() > 0 ? _emailMatcher.iterator().next()[1] : null
        // author.displayName = hJson.revisedBy.displayName
        // author.username = hJson.revisedBy.uniqueName
        def date = ({ dStr ->
            if (dStr == null) return null
            try { noMsDateFormat.parse(dStr) }
            catch (e1) { return null }
        def timestamp = date == null ? null : new java.sql.Timestamp(date.time)
        def changeItems = hJson
            ?.findAll { event -> ["Create", "Change"].any { it.equals(event.type) } }
            ?.inject([] as List<com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeItem>) { r, v ->
                def ci = new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeItem(
                    v.previous_value as String,
                    v.previous_value as String,
                    v.value as String,
                    v.value as String,
                    ("\\d+".matches(v.field_name) ?
                        "custom" :
                r += ci
            } ?: []
        _res += new com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubChangeHistory(
            hJson.id as Long, 
def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history ->
            .sort { c -> c.created.time }
            .findAll { c ->
                c.author.key != exalateUserKey
            .inject([:]) { _result, c ->
                c.changeItems.inject(_result) { r, i ->
                    String k = i.field
                    if (r[k] == null) {
                        r[k] = c.created
def localFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("377510125653")(ticket.changeHistory)
def remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = replica.customKeys."fieldToLastUpdateDate"
remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v ->
    r[k] = new Date((v) as Long)

//issue.labels       = replica.labels

if (firstSync || (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."summary" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."subject")) {
  log.error("#conflict_handling: summary changed more recently on remote: ${remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.summary} is MORE recent then ${localFieldToLastUpdateDate."subject"}".toString())
  issue.summary      = replica.summary
} else {
  log.error("#conflict_handling: summary NOT changed more recently on remote: ${remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.summary} is LESS recent then ${localFieldToLastUpdateDate."subject"}".toString())
if(firstSync) {
  issue.description  = replica.description ?: "No description."

if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."status" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."status") {
    def statusMapping = [
        "To Do" : "new",
        "In Progress" : "open",
        "Pending on customer" : "pending",
        "Waiting for support" : "hold",
        "Done" : "solved",
        "Cancelled" : "solved",
        "Completed" : "solved"
    def localStatus = statusMapping
      .find { k, v -> k.equalsIgnoreCase(replica.status.name) }
  log.error("#conflict_handling: status changed more recently on remote: ${remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.status} is MORE recent then ${localFieldToLastUpdateDate.status}".toString())
  log.error("#in found local status $localStatus in mapping $statusMapping for remote status ${replica.status.name}".toString())
  if (localStatus) {
} else {
    log.error("#conflict_handling: status NOT changed more recently on remote: ${remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.status} is LESS recent then ${localFieldToLastUpdateDate.status}".toString())
// END: Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes ZD <> *
issue.attachments  = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica)
issue.comments     += replica.addedComments

Note, the changes made by Exalate proxy user are ignored:

377510125653 - the exalate proxy user's id in this Zendesk instance

Jira Out:

replica.key            = issue.key
replica.type           = issue.type
replica.assignee       = issue.assignee
replica.reporter       = issue.reporter
replica.summary        = issue.summary
replica.description    = issue.description
replica.labels         = issue.labels
replica.comments       = issue.comments
replica.resolution     = issue.resolution
replica.status         = issue.status
replica.parentId       = issue.parentId
replica.priority       = issue.priority
replica.attachments    = issue.attachments
replica.project        = issue.project
replica.project.versions = []
replica.project.components = []// Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes Jira <> *def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history ->
            .sort { c -> c.created.time }
            .findAll { c ->
                c.author.key != exalateUserKey
            .inject([:]) { _result, c ->
                c.changeItems.inject(_result) { r, i ->
                    String k = i.field
                    if (r[k] == null) {
                        r[k] = c.created
replica.customKeys."fieldToLastUpdateDate" = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("557058:c020323a-70e4-4c07-9ccc-3ad89b1c02ec")(issue.changeHistory)// END: Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes Jira <> *

Note, that changes made by Exalate proxy user in Jira Cloud are ignored:

557058:c020323a-70e4-4c07-9ccc-3ad89b1c02ec - is the same for any Jira Cloud

Jira In:

if (firstSync) {
    issue.projectKey  = "AA"
    // Set the same issue type as the source issue. If not found, set a default.
    issue.typeName    = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.type?.name, issue.projectKey)?.name ?: "Task"
// Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes Jira <> *
def remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = replica.customKeys."fieldToLastUpdateDate"
remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v ->
    r[k] = new Date((v) as Long)
def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history ->
            .sort { c -> c.created.time }
            .findAll { c ->
                c.author.key != exalateUserKey
            .inject([:]) { _result, c ->
                c.changeItems.inject(_result) { r, i ->
                    String k = i.field
                    if (r[k] == null) {
                        r[k] = c.created
def localFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn("557058:c020323a-70e4-4c07-9ccc-3ad89b1c02ec")(issue.changeHistory)
if (firstSync || (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."subject" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate.summary)) {
  log.error("#conflict_handling: summary changed more recently on remote: ${remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."subject"} is MORE recent then ${localFieldToLastUpdateDate.summary}".toString())
  issue.summary      = replica.summary
} else {
  log.error("#conflict_handling: summary NOT changed more recently on remote: ${remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."subject"} is LESS recent then ${localFieldToLastUpdateDate.summary}".toString())
if(firstSync || (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."description" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."description")) {
  log.error("#conflict_handling: description changed more recently on remote: ${remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.description} is MORE recent then ${localFieldToLastUpdateDate.description}".toString())
  issue.description  = replica.description
} else {
  log.error("#conflict_handling: description NOT changed more recently on remote: ${remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.description} is LESS recent then ${localFieldToLastUpdateDate.description}".toString())

if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate."status" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate."status") {
    def statusMapping = [
        "new" : "To Do",
        "open" : "In Progress",
        "pending" : "Pending on customer",
        "on-hold" : "Waiting for support",
        "solved" : "Completed"
    def localStatus = statusMapping
      .find { k, v -> k.equalsIgnoreCase(replica.status.name) }
  log.error("#conflict_handling: status changed more recently on remote: ${remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.status} is MORE recent then ${localFieldToLastUpdateDate.status}".toString())
  log.error("#in found local status $localStatus in mapping $statusMapping for remote status ${replica.status.name}".toString())
  if (localStatus) {
} else {
    log.error("#conflict_handling: status NOT changed more recently on remote: ${remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.status} is LESS recent then ${localFieldToLastUpdateDate.status}".toString())
// END: Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes Jira <> *
issue.comments     = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica)
issue.attachments  = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica)

Note, that changes made by Exalate proxy user in Jira Cloud are ignored:

557058:c020323a-70e4-4c07-9ccc-3ad89b1c02ec - is the same for any Jira Cloud

Happy Exalating!

Answer by Sagi Gueta on 11 April 2023

Ezequiel Consorti Serhiy Onyshchenko Hello!

Can you please help me understand In the Jira<>Jira script, where do i need to make modifications (on the incoming section)?

We’ve tried to implement it yesterday and gained an error message (I’ve added the following script as a block in the incoming of both sides, and set the relevant configuration for the outgoing section as well as descripted in the shared script):

I didn’t copy the IF FIRST SYNC as I’ve just used our used condition that relevant for our project.

// Community 42839472: Avoid updating issue with older changes Jira <> Jira
def fieldToLastUpdateDateFn = { exalateUserKey -> { history ->
.sort { c -> c.created.time }
.findAll { c ->
c.author.key != exalateUserKey
.inject([:]) { result, c ->
c.changeItems.inject(result) { r, i ->
String k = i.field
if (r[k] ==``null``) {
r[k] = c.created
if (firstSync) {
issue.summary = replica.summary
issue.description = replica.description
}``else {
def HOUR =``1000 *``60 *``60
def remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn(``"exalate"``)(replica.changeHistory)
remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v ->
r[k] =``new Date((v + THREE_HOURS) as Long)
def localFieldToLastUpdateDate = fieldToLastUpdateDateFn(``"exalate"``)(issue.changeHistory)
if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.``"description" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate.``"description"``) {
issue.description = replica.description
if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.``"summary" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate.``"summary"``) {
issue.summary = replica.summary
if (remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.``"Severity" > localFieldToLastUpdateDate.``"Severity"``) { issue.Severity = replica.Severity


Ezequiel Consorti commented on 17 April 2023

Hi Sagui,

There is a part of the script that is throwing the error:

remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v ->
        r[k] = new Date((v + THREE_HOURS) as Long)

Please replace it with the following script which has been tested already:

remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate = remoteFieldToLastUpdateDate.inject([:]) { r, k, v ->
        r[k] = new Date((((v instanceof Integer) ? v : v.time) + THREE_HOURS) as Long)

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