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Hi all,

Jira processes data using Jira Wiki, while Azure DevOps utilizes HTML for data processing.

One limitation we face out-of-the-box is the inability to synchronize images between these systems.

However, with Exalate this will be possible. By utilizing the script mode, we can modify the language used by these systems to interpret and handle data.

To learn more about this solution, I added a video tutorial.

The code:

Outgoing Sync Jira On Prem
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor

class WikiToHtml {
	static String transform(String wikiFormat) {
		if (!wikiFormat) {
			return null

		// access the correct services
		def jcl = ComponentAccessor.classLoader
		def app = ComponentAccessor.getApplicationProperties()
		def epubClass = jcl.loadClass("com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher")
		def epub = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(epubClass)
		def fmanClass = jcl.loadClass("com.atlassian.jira.config.FeatureManager")
		def fman = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(fmanClass)
		def vreqClass = jcl.loadClass("com.atlassian.jira.util.velocity.VelocityRequestContextFactory")
		def vreq = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(vreqClass)
		def wrenderClass = jcl.loadClass("")
		def wrender = wrenderClass.newInstance(epub, app, vreq, fman)

		def fixImage = wikiFormat?.replaceAll(/\!(\S+)\|\S+\!/, '<!-- inline image filename=#$1# -->')
		fixImage = fixImage.replaceAll(/\!\^(\S+)\|\S+\!/, '<!-- inline image filename=#$1# -->')
		fixImage = fixImage.replaceAll(/\!\^(\S+)\!/, '<!-- inline image filename=#$1# -->')
		fixImage = fixImage.replaceAll(/\!(\S+)\!/, '<!-- inline image filename=#$1# -->')

		// wiki text can also contain files
		fixImage = fixImage.replaceAll(/\[(\S+)\|\^(\S+)\]/, '<!-- inline file filename=#$2# -->')
		fixImage = fixImage.replaceAll(/\[\^(\S+)\]/, '<!-- inline file filename=#$1# -->')
		return wrender.render(fixImage, null)



replica.description = WikiToHtml.transform(issue.description)
replica.labels         = issue.labels
replica.comments       = issue.comments.collect {
    comment -> 
    comment.body = WikiToHtml.transform (comment.body)
Incoming Sync Azure Devops
//change the projectKey!

   // Set type name from source entity, if not found set a default
   workItem.projectKey  =  "Mathieu"
   workItem.typeName = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.type?.name)?.name ?: "Task";

workItem.summary      = replica.summary
workItem.attachments  = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(workItem, replica)
workItem.labels       = replica.labels
workItem.priority     = replica.priority

def setInlineImage(def comment){
    // List of possible regex paterns
    def patternList = [
        /<p><!-- inline image filename=#(.*?)#<\/a> --><\/p>/,
        /(?s)<!-- inline image filename=(.*?)-->/ ,
        /<p><!-- inline image filename=#(.*?)#<\/a> --><\/p>/,
        /filename=#(.+?)# -->/

    def pattern = null
    def matcher = null
    patternList.each{ p ->
        matcher = comment =~ p
            matcher = comment =~ p

    def inlineImage = ""

    if (matcher.find()) {
        def match = matcher[0]
        def attId = replica.attachments.find { it.filename?.equals(match[1]) }?.remoteId
        inlineImage = comment.replace(match[0], """<img src="/secure/attachment/${attId}/${attId}_${match[1]}" />""".toString())
        return comment 
    inlineImage = inlineImage.replaceAll("<!-- inline image", "").replaceAll("<!-- inline image", "")
    return inlineImage

workItem.comments     = commentHelper.mergeComments(workItem, replica, {
    comment ->
    comment.body = setInlineImage(comment.body) 

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Mathieu Lepoutre
