Originally asked by Shaleen Kukreti on 14 June 2023 (original question)
I am trying to sync a DateTime field from Zendesk to Jira. ZD is in the EST timezone and Jira is in the PST timezone.
ZD:- Event Time (New) - Date(type)
Jira:- Event Time - Date Time Picker
Below is the result I am getting when I use the below code
ZD outgoing :
Jira Incoming:
Date in Zendesk selected is “June 16, 2023”
DateTime in JIRA showing is “Jun 15, 2023, 5:00 PM”
After this, I use the below code in Jira Incoming sync from one of the posts in the community
Link to the post
Using this I am getting below error.
Answer by Mathieu Lepoutre on 26 June 2023
Hi Shaleen Kukreti
Please put this in the incoming sync of Jira. For this example I added 5 hours, but you can just change that depending on your situation.
Incoming Jira Cloud Sync
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Calendar
def dateString = "${replica.customFields."DateField".value}"
def inputFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S")
def date = inputFormat.parse(dateString)
//hardcode 5 hours
def timestamp = date.time
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
calendar.timeInMillis = timestamp
calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 5)
def updatedTimestamp = calendar.timeInMillis
issue.customFields."DateTime Field".value = updatedTimestamp
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Mathieu Lepoutre
Answer by Shaleen Kukreti on 16 June 2023
Hi Syed Majid Hassan any thoughts how to handle this ?
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