Mapping of Priority field in Snow and Jira

Originally asked by Anshuman Bakshi on 27 August 2020 (original question)

We want to map priority field values from Snow and Jira.

As suggested in documentation

I have done mapping on both sides as per priority field values:

Outgoing sync SNOW:

replica.priority = incident.priority

Incoming Sync SNOW:

def priorityMapping = [
// Jira issue priority <-> SNOW incident priority
“Critical”: “1 - Critical”,
“Highest”: “2 - High”,
“Medium”: “3 - Moderate”,
“Low”: “4 - Low”,
“Lowest”: “5 - Planning”

def defaultPriority = “4 - Low”
def priorityName = priorityMapping[replica.priority?.name] ?: defaultPriority // set default urgency in case the proper urgency could not be found
issue.priority = nodeHelper.getPriority(priorityName)

Outgoing sync Jira:

replica.priority = issue.priority

Incoming sync:

//Priority Mapping
def priorityMapping = [

// SNOW incident priority <-> Jira issue priority
“1 - Critical”: “Critical”,
“2 - High”: “High”,
“3 - Moderate”: “Medium”,
“4 - Low”: “Low”,
“5 - Planning”: “Lowest”
def priorityName = priorityMapping[replica.priority?.name] ?: “Low” // set default priority in case the proper urgency could not be found
issue.priority = nodeHelper.getPriority(priorityName, issue)

The Priority value is not syncing even after mapping. Please suggest !

Answer by Anshuman Bakshi on 27 August 2020

We are also trying to check value of priority through description.


issue.description = replica.priority.getProperties()

but it seems it shows value of urgency field from SNOW…