HOw to update fix version field

Dear support,

We have an On premise Jira instance connected to a Jira cloud instance with exalate where different sync are operating.

We have implemented the field Fix Version to be sync and for that we have implement an incomging script which create the fix version if not existe on destination node.

We have actually a user case where user need to be able to update the fix version from the On prem instance and to be updated to Destination instance.

What is the way we could operate that update sync on fix version ?

Thanks for your help


Hello @scal,

Welcome to the Exalate Community!

If I’m understanding correctly, you were able to successfully synchronize the fix version field from Jira On-Premise to Jira Cloud during issue creation, and create the version if it didn’t already exist. However, you’re encountering issues when trying to update the field afterward. Is that correct?

In the meantime, I recommend checking the following documentation for further guidance: