How to sync many issues to one issue (ZD -> Jira Cloud)

Originally asked by Daniel Carvajal on 19 October 2021 (original question)

We would like to explore the following scenario, one ZD ticket that is linked to many Jira issues, therefore:

  • ZD ticket fields WILL be replicated to Jira issues (in this direction of replication it is a one-to-many relationship)
  • Jira issues fields will NOT be replicated to ZD tickets (in this direction of replication it is a many-to-one relationship)

Answer by Daniel Carvajal on 19 October 2021

To solve this problem we came up with the following approach:

  • Set a custom field on Zendesk where you can set and receive the remote issue key from Jira:

Zendesk outgoing:

replica.customFields."jiraIssueKey" = issue.customFields."jiraIssueKey"

Zendesk incoming:

issue."jiraIssueKey" = replica.key

Now to resolve on Jira’s end whether if this issue already has a link to the issue provided on the “jiraIssueKey” custom field(so it connects to it) or if it needs to be exalated into a new issue we would use the following snippet on Jira’s incoming sync:

Jira Incoming:

if(firstSync) {
    if (replica.jiraIssueKey) {
        Map<String, Object> responseJson = new JiraClient(httpClient).http(
                    method = "GET",
                    path = "/rest/api/2/issue/${replica.jiraIssueKey}",
                    queryParams = [:],
                    body = null,
                    headers = [:]
            ) { response ->
            if (response.code >= 300 && response.code != 404) {
                throw new com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException("Failed to perform the request (status ${response.code}), and body was: \n\"$response.body\"\nPlease contact Exalate Support: ".toString() + response.body)
            if (response.code == 404) {
                return null
            def responseStr = response.body as String
            def _responseJson = responseStr ?
                new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(responseStr) as Map<String, Object>
                : null;

        if ( != null) {

    if ( == null) {
        // if we didn't instruct Exalate to connect to an existing issue, sync back the created issue key, so ZD knows, where it was synced to

Note: mind the name of the custom field being send from Zendesk, in this example we used “jiraIssueKey”, therefore we receive it as “replica.jiraIssueKey” (This is short syntax for “replica.customFields.jiraIssueKey.value” but any of the 2 methods would work).

The result is that whenever you have a Zendesk ticket that you know should be connected to a given Jira issue key, you can set this Key in the “jiraIssueKey” and Exalate will do the job.

Good job Exalate!

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