How do I map Repro Steps (DevOps) to Discussion field in Jira (bug)

Originally asked by Jan Engstrøm on 04 March 2023 (original question)

How do I map “Repro Steps” field from a (workItem=bug) in Azure DevOps to the discussion field in Jira (issue=bug). I have tried to add the following code:

“Outgoing” in DevOps:

//Send a Custom Field value

replica.customKeys.“ReproSteps” = workItem.“Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps”

“Ingoing i Jira:”

// Repro Steps CF set

issue.customFields.“Steps to Recreate”.value = replica.customKeys.“ReproSteps”

I don’t have any developer experience, and have tried to find a solution all day, but unfortunately with no luck. So could somebody explain what is wrong or missing in my approach, that would be highly appresiated.

Thanks in advance,
Br - Jan

Answer by Mathieu Lepoutre on 06 March 2023

Hi Jan Engstrøm

Can you go to the Jira Side and go to entity sync status. Can you enter a ticket number of a ticket in sync and then click on “Show Remote Replica” ?

Please verify that a ReproSteps value is coming over.

If it is, then it is easy to assign it somewhere.

Please try;

issue.“Steps to Recreate” = replica.customKeys.“ReproSteps”