November 4, 2024, 6:25am
Originally asked by Mena Goyen on 27 August 2019 (original question)
Hi there,
What is the best way to insert the original creation date of the comment in the synchronised comment? Right now it just shows the name of the comment author and comment text, for auditability reasons it would be beneficial to also have the original creation date. Is this possible?
November 4, 2024, 6:25am
Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 27 August 2019
Hi Mena Goyen
You can easily modify the formatting of the receiving comment. For instance
(the code can be found here )
Line 1 - calls the mergeComments method
the third argument is a closure which gets executed for each comment that is in the replica
Line 3,4,5,6 set the comment body
to a combination of the displayName, the created date, and the body
Line 4 - comment.created?.format ()
Format the comment created date to day-month-year
Line 5 - insert a new line
Mena Goyen commented on 14 September 2019
Thanks that worked, if we also wanted the time stamp how would we add that?
Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 14 September 2019
Check the format specs here
I didn’t try it but something like ‘HH:mm:ss’ should do it.
Jorge Jerez Ibáñez commented on 01 August 2022
Is there any way to sync the created date of the commnets?