I’m trying to configure Zendesk / Jira Cloud so that Zendesk Assignee is transfered to Jira Cloud Reporter. Is this possible with Visual mode with mapping or should I add some kind of script for it? This should only be one way from Zendesk to Jira
Second thing that I’m trying is to configure is connecting Jira Assignee to Zendesk custom field “Jira assignee”. Same question as above. Is it some way possible with Visual mode or with some kind of script. This should be two way connectiong.
I tried all kind of things but it always end up with error or didn’t do anything.
Thanks for your attention. I’m looking forward to your reply.
Zendesk system field Assignee can be transferred to Jira Cloud system field Reporter in Visual mode by making appropriate mapping (Zendesk: assignee <-> Jira Cloud: reporter) and it can be sync in any direction you want and in both too.
Jira system field Assignee can be transferred to a ticket field of Text type “Jira assignee” and in opposite direction only in script mode. The example of possible solution is published below: