Where can I view EXACOMP tickets to better understand release notes?

Originally asked by Howard Kenny on 20 September 2019 (original question)

eg. EXACOMP-252

Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 20 September 2019

Hi Howard

These are tickets on the internal backlog, which we don’t share.

It’s a good idea to publish these to a confluence site once that the release is done.
A good use case for our upcoming confluence cloud connector.

The description of this issue is


Steps to reproduce:

  1. initiate connection
    1. progress up to the template selection step
    2. choose the “single project template”
    3. choose a project with key different than “TEST” (for example “BRU”)
  2. proceed with the connection creation
  3. navigate to connection edit and to the sync rules tab


The project “BRU” is hardcoded there


The project “TEST” is hardcoded there

Let me know if you need further details.


Howard Kenny commented on 20 September 2019


I guess the the detail on release notes could be improved in that case

eg. https://docs.idalko.com/exalate/display/ED/Jira+Server+-+Version+4.5.3

Just to help people like me understand what the issue was that’s been fixed.



Francis Martens (Exalate) commented on 20 September 2019
